That’s Monica Eng and I on the stage at the Chicago Theater for Chicago Live! a weekly WGN Radio show produced by the Chicago Tribune, in partnership with The Second City. I had an absolute blast being on the show and of course hanging out with the uber-cool Monica Eng was a plus. You can watch our interview on stage, if you like. I love the format of the show (very much an old school variety show with comedic interludes by The Second City no less). I would love to see emulated in big and small towns (like my small hometown in Wisconsin). It’s even more immediate than the internet to have the people in front of you.
It’s taking me a little while to make the adjustment from anonymous to me being known. While doing some media for the book (before and after work of course), some days I feel very bold with my opinions, but other days I’ve felt more reserved. It depends on the day. It depends on how much sleep I got the night before. My son has gotten his first cold of the season so there hasn’t been a lot of sleep happening.
Not only am I learning how to blog as myself, but I’m also learning how to bring Mrs Q and her passion for child nutrition to my regular job. I’ve been so good at compartmentalizing that it’s all new. Many of you have wondered how my coworkers are handling having me turn into a school food reform activist right in front of them. Well, it might surprise you but most of them don’t even know. I am not a big self-promoter and I’m in new schools this year by choice. I’m the speech pathologist and still making friends while learning the schools’ cultures. Of course no one got an official memo about the blog and the book. But my closest coworkers from new and old schools are thrilled. There has been a lot of “You go, girl!” and “I’m proud of you.” Revealing myself has led to interesting conversations about school food with people I never knew had passionate opinions. To say that they have been supportive is an understatement. But then we move on, back to our work — there’s no shortage of work at Chicago Public Schools.

I couldn’t see the staff being anything but supportive, Mrs. Q. We all know how key our diets our with our learning.
Well, hopefully most teachers do. But recalling the lunches of the teachers’ lounges I worked in for a decade, I doubt it. LOL…
If only the schools would pour monies into nutrition. But like politics, there are so many approaches. Real, raw food, gluten-free, vegan, etc.
Who is right?
I dream of a day when schools have a more holistic approach to health. As a mom with a kid on the GFCF-artificial food coloring free diet, I am astounded at the crap that I see littered about the school grounds.
Cans of soda. Candy bar wrappers.
I did work at a school on the west side that banned ALL junk. It was a charter. If we saw chips or soda, we took it away. We had exercise breaks throughout the day.
That was model that CPS should look into…I’d love to work on something like this with you.
Was it The View that I saw you on? Or am I imagining all the loud mouthed women interpreting your opinions as they saw fit. Gotta get those ratings! 🙂
Actually, I watch them while eating my nutritious veggie sandwich for lunch.
Best wishes on your book and future projects.
Oh, forgot to say that I watched the interview with Monica Eng. Good interview. Glad you were able to get out your message.
I can imagine it was intimidating at first, but you’re sharing such an important message with the public. Congrats on all the good work you are doing!