Thanks to everyone who responded to my survey “Eating lunch.” A whopping 541 people completed the survey! Here are the results:
1. Do you eat lunch every day? (Answered question = 523)
Yes 89.3% (467)
No 10.7% (56)
Other (31) — People responding “other” told me that sometimes you forget, are too busy, or you might eat a late breakfast. One of you likes to eat “lunner” around 3 pm 🙂
2. Do you ever eat the following at lunch? (Choose multiple) (Answered question = 540)
Peanut butter and jelly sandwich 48.1% (260)
Frozen microwave meal 36.7% (198)
Turkey sandwich 57.0% (308)
Tuna sandwich 39.8% (215)
Deli sandwich 41.7% (225)
Hot dog 15.7% (85)
Hamburger 25.0% (135)
Chicken sandwich 32.4% (175)
Fish sandwich 6.9% (37)
Spaghetti 35.6% (192)
Gyros 9.6% (52)
Pasta salad 34.6% (187)
Green salad 3.1% (395)
Chicken soup 34.3% (185)
Veggie soup 42.4% (229)
Chicken and rice 20.0% (108)
Egg salad sandwich 25.6% (138)
Tacos 29.1% (157)
Pizza 51.7% (279
Chicken nuggets 13.5% 73)
Steak 6.7% (36)
Panini 21.5% (116)
Stir fry 21.9% (118)
Leftovers from home 90.6% (489) — Holy cow!
Leftovers from a restaurant 58.3% (315)
Breakfast for lunch 24.4% (132)
Other (please specify) — 120 people told me that their lunches included items like “black bean burger,” “quiche,” “baked potatoes,” “veggie sandwiches,” “nachos,” “bagels,” “rice dishes,” “casseroles,” and “protein bars.” Someone remarked that lunch “varies based on fridge contents” (okay I LOLed at that one — too true).
3. What sides to you eat with lunch? (Answered question = 520)
Apple 59.8% (311)
Banana 41.2% (214)
Orange 30.4% (158)
Fruit cup 15.6% (81)
Other fruit (fresh) 65.4% (340)
Chips 46.9% (244)
Pudding 13.3% 69
Yogurt 44.4% (231)
Pasta salad 20.6% (107)
Green salad 51.9% (270)
Crackers 45.2% (235)
Hummus 37.9% (197)
Fruit snacks 11.9% (62)
Celery 25.4% (132)
Carrots 59.0% (307)
Cucumber 41.2% (214)
Bread 33.3% (173)
Nuts 33.3% (173)
Granola bar 32.1% (167)
Cottage cheese with pineapple 5.4% (28)
Fries 19.2% (100)
Other (please specify) –112 people told me that their sides included “cheese,” “steamed veggies,” “pretzels,” “pickles,” “bars,” “popcorn,” “potato salad,” “ice cream,” “dips,” and “applesauce.” Fresh veggies were really popular.
4. What do you drink at lunch? (Choose multiple) (Answered question = 534)
Water 89.3% (477)
Coffee 9.6% (51)
Tea 34.5% (184)
Milk 11.0% (59)
Juice 15.0% (80)
Soda 36.7% (196)
Smoothie 4.9% (26)
Milkshake 1.9% (10)
Hot Cocoa 0.7% (4)
Bottled water 17.6% (94)
Other (please specify) — 50 people responded saying they drank “iced tea,” “nothing,” “diet coke,” “sparkling water,” “seltzer,” “sports drinks,” “kombucha,” “soy milk,” and “wine.”
5. Do you eat dessert with lunch? (Answered question = 520)
Yes 28.5% (148)
No 72.1% (375)
If yes, please specify — 146 people told me their dessert consisted of “cookies,” “pudding,” “granola bar,” “cake,” “chocolate,” “ice cream,” “fruit,” and “brownies.” Someone mentioned having a “raging sweet tooth” – I think we might be related!
6. Do you normally eat at home, on the go, or at a restaurant? (Answered question = 512)
At home 32.8% (168)
At work 63.3% (324)
In your car 1.6% (8)
At a restaurant 2.3% (12)
Other (please specify) — 72 people said they ate “at school” (Um duh. Can you believe I left that out!?), “in class,” and “at the park.”
7. Do you eat lunch outside of the home? (Choose multiple) (Answered question = 520)
Yes 33.5% (174)
No 2.3% (12)
On weekdays 28.8% (150)
On weekends 11.9% (62)
Only special occasions 23.5% (122)
Other (please specify) — 89 people mentioned eating “at school” and “at their desks.”
8. Where do you eat lunch outside of the home? (Choose multiple) answered question 512
At work 66.2% (339)
Coffee shop (Starbucks, etc) 9.8% (50)
Fast food restaurant (McDonald’s, etc) 29.9% (153)
Casual (Panera, etc) 64.5% (330)
Restaurant (Local pancake place, etc) 52.1% (267)
Other (please specify) — 71 told me they also eat at a “friend’s house,” “Subway,” and “at school.”
9. What’s your typical lunch (Monday through Friday)? (Answered question = 505)
You guys told me you normally eat sandwiches, pizza, and leftovers (like you indicated above).
10. What’s your ideal lunch (Brie and strawberries with my mom at her house)? (Answered question = 448)
You said your favorite, ideal lunch would be “sushi,” “panini,” “Thai food,” “picnic,” “soup and salad,” and even eating in “peace and quiet.”
11. Do you pack lunch for your kid(s)? (Answered question = 283)
Yes 33.6% 95
No 66.4% 188
Other (please specify) — 245 most of you have no children or chilldren too young to pack for!
12. If you have children, what’s their typical lunch? (Answered question = 257)
Most of you are packing sandwiches and finger foods (easy and quick to eat!)
13. What’s your child’s idea of the ideal lunch? (Answered question = 235)
Some responses included “sushi,” “pizza,” “McDonalds,” and “chicken fingers/nuggets.”
14. How important is lunch to you and/or your loved ones? (Answered question = 534)
Not True | Neutral | True | Very True | Rating Average | ||
Lunch is a nutritious respite from a long day. | 1.3% (7) | 17.3% (92) | 46.4% (247) | 35.0% (186) | 3.15 | 532 |
Lunch is necessary for me and my family | 2.6% (14) | 7.3% (39) | 35.7% (190) | 54.3% (289) | 3.42 | 532 |
A traditional lunch is not important to me my family | 38.5% (200) | 31.0% (161) | 24.9% (129) | 5.6% (29) | 1.97 | 519 |
Lunch offers valuable time for socialization | 14.0% (74) | 33.1% (175) | 34.8% (184) | 18.0% (95) | 2.57 | 528 |
At work I can place a professional value on lunch | 19.9% (99) | 38.4% (191) | 28.4% (141) | 13.3% (66) | 2.35 | 497 |
Comments in “other” for this question asked for clarification about some of the questions. When I asked about a “traditional lunch,” I was referring to the fact that many of you guys like to eat many small meals and don’t sit down for a “traditional lunch.” Sorry that wasn’t clear.” Also when I mentioned “professional value” I was referring to lunch offering you something that matters to your work. I should have defined it better. It could be “wining and dining” clients or, as in my husband’s case, lunch is a place when the guys go out and chat about what’s happening at work and how to manage certain people or projects. Even though I don’t have a lunch like that in the school setting, I find there to be significant “professional value” at lunchtime. When I was eating school lunch every day in my room, I missed out on hearing the latest news about the building. I was always out of the loop.
I hope you enjoyed this as much as I did. You guys are a very healthy bunch and really value food.
SurveyMonkey will be going down over the weekend for site maintanence so no new survey. I think in the future I’m going to alternate weeks with one week offering a survey and the next week sharing the results. Next week I’ll ask you about cooking. The survey will be shorter, too!

Mrs. Q, please help me understand the statistics you provided. For example:
2. Do you ever eat the following at lunch? (Choose multiple) (Answered question = 540)
Green salad 3.1% (395)
Does that mean 395 people responded that they sometimes eat a green salad for lunch? If so, is 3.1% a typo? If not, what does it mean (i.e. 3.1% of what)? Or maybe 395 is a typo?
Wow, neat!