I hope you enjoy some of the news items I’ve found on the web for you today:
School Lunch
(Up!) Improving School Lunch Without a Fully Working School Kitchen (NYC Green Schools)
(Up!) School Dinners in the UK (Jackie’s School Food Blog)
(Up!) How to get involved: School lunch (Marion Nestle)
(Down!) Does NCLB Contribute to Obesity? (The Lunch Tray) — Great question!
Food Marketing to Kids
New non-mandatory regulations came out. 100% voluntary. What a joke!
(Down!) At last FTC releases principles of marketing to kids (Marion Nestle)
(Down!) Picture this: Marketing machine (Spoonfed)
Other Food and Drink
(Up!) Chocolate Milk: Muscle Nectar? Weight-loss Secret? Neither (Small Bites) — Hilarious!
(Up!) AGree: Can’t we all just get along? (Marion Nestle’s Food Politics) — New group devoted to dialogue about food politics…hmm, we’ll see what happens there.
(Down!) Weight Watchers Brand Produce (Table of Promise) — Seriously??
(Up!) 11 Children’s Books that Help Build a Healthy Food Culture (Simple Bites) — Love this.
(Down!) Coke, BPA, and the limits of “green capitalism” (Grist) — I had no idea BPA lined Coke cans!
Farm Bill 2012
We fought for the Child Nutrition Act last year and now people are already getting ready for the next Farm Bill.
(Up!) Farm Bill 2012: Will the West Coast Set its Own Table? (Civil Eats)
(Up!) Farm Bill 2012: How to get involved (Marion Nestle)
(Down!) Budget Battle Puts Sustainable Ag at Risk in the Farm Bill (Civil Eats)

Sorry, I haven't been reading since last week, but I don't know if you saw this: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mjs538/what-school-lunches-look-like-in-20-countries-arou
I enjoyed your reading list for the day.
Can it really be true that, as the first article says, that most NYC schools don't have a fully equipped kitchen!?
That's dumbfounding…
BPA is not just in Coke cans. It's in ALL canned food. (Exactly one brand of organic canned goods claims to be BPA free, but the name escapes me).
BPA also coats receipt paper, and when you touch it, it gets absorbed through your skin. I'm not joking or making this up!
We're all guinea pigs whether we like it or not. Just TRY to limit your exposure to it, it's impossible. Oh and today's NYTimes has a really uplifting article about how BPA-free products will often use untested "cousins" of BPA that are ACTUALLY WORSE. Yay.
How's that for Debbie Downer.