I finally got around to doing something about the lunches at my son’s day care. I had to turn in a bunch of annual forms. So I wrote them a letter about the food, which I dropped off on last week Monday with my son and the rest of what they needed.
Writing a letter was my preferred choice because I’m not confrontational. I may share some bold opinions online, but I’m more reserved in person. I’m also the kind of person who is easily railroaded in real life and since I had to give them other stuff, sending a letter seemed like a reasonable option. Getting everything on paper was a way for me to organize my thoughts without having the emotional defensiveness that sometimes comes with face-to-face interactions.
I structured my letter purposefully with a compliment, then a suggestion, and then I closed with positive comments. I started out thanking them for taking such care with my son’s food and allergies. There hasn’t been a screw-up since he moved into the “big boy room” and I’m really grateful.
The meat of the letter was focused a suggestion. I wondered if they would ever survey families to find out what they think of the food served. I mentioned that other mothers had been frustrated with the serving of ice cream as well as other menu items, which I couldn’t remember. Every few months my son’s friends and their moms go on a playdate. Inevitably in our discussions about the day care, food comes up. They haven’t been 100% happy. I figured that parents had no way of expressing those opinions to the day care without coming off as “bitchy.” Lots of parents think things they never don’t share.
I mentioned in my letter that they could do a pen and paper survey or an online survey through surveymonkey.com, which tabulates results. Then I closed the letter by thanking them for everything they do for the kids.
By the way, they have no idea about this blog. I did mention to one of his former caregivers that I was writing a book about school lunch. I guess that might be enough for them to know, but no one has ever mentioned it.
Later that day, the day care called me on my cell phone at work…

What happened next?!
ahhh so suspenseful!!!!
I've had similar discussions with the director at my school and while I'm still not a huge fan of some of the choices, they have been revising the menu to include choices that are similar to what I pack for my daughter each day (I pack her lunch since she is gluten and dairy free).
Good luck!
I too can't wait to hear the rest of this. My kids are starting day care and big boy school in the fall. So I am reading with rapt anticipation.
I hope that you will mention some of the questions in the survey. And also what level of participation there was among the parents. I would be curious HOW MANY of the parents were unhappy with the food.
I also want to know what happened next!
My guess is they've been following fedupwithschoollunch without realizing it's you, and they're thinking of changing the menus….
Can't wait for part two!!!
Teeeeeell uuuuuus!
Evil cliffhanging wench!!
. . .
Oh my gawd…I just had a "Between The Lions" flashback.
"Cliff Hanger…hanging from a cliff. And that's Why they call him Cliff Hanger!!"
P.S. I want to thank you sincerely for having fairly legible captcha's. I've had to flip through ten or so on other sites before I find one I can copy at times. (Dyslexic and very very very nearsighted and I need a new glasses script.) Your Captcha is a joy to confirm that I am indeed, a huma…I mean resident of this planet. Yes. Indeed.
Carry on!
Can't wait to read part two!
I'm Korean American and I showed an intern at my work (she's from Korea) school lunches served at your school (which are very similar to what I was served in my elementary school in Illinois) and she was so shocked.
These are the typical school lunches served in Korea. I don't know if you've ever tried Korean food, but those lunches look so yummy!
I hate cliffhangers!!!! 🙂
Can't wait to hear what happened!
and then, and then, and then??? 😀
Ahhh! I can't wait to hear what the phone call was about!
I was going to finish part two tonight, but I ran out of steam. I'll put it up next week on Tuesday! By then it will be better written! Sometimes 30-60 minutes is not enough to draft a decent blog post! 🙂
I'm eager to hear as well!! My kids' school (preschool through kindergarten) made a lot of healthy changes this year. Our local public school district did, too (very thankful for that since my daugher starts public school in the fall). I wrote about the changes at my kids' school:
Dying to know more about that phone call!
Ohhh..I need to know what happens. I work at a daycare and am appalled by most of the things they are served. Do tell me how nachos (processed cheese and chips) or mini donuts is a good snack? It makes no sense to me. Wish I could be bold enough to write a note.
To Hi I'm Emaline:
Could be worse.. at the day care I used to work at, they would give kids in the 1 year old room 2 donut holes for breakfast. To say I was appalled is an understatement of epic proportions.
I am a daycare cook. I would love to hear good ideas. I am very frustrated right now. I put in an order with my head cook..she is in another center, we are a satellite center…and I don’t get all I ordered. I have no fresh fruit for the next week! Just cucumbers!