I’m always reading blogs and news. I’ll get general headlines from Google News and Yahoo! News and then I read/skim blogs on my Google Reader (here’s a tutorial on how to set it up). Watching the news on the TV is too depressing. Do I want to hear about the latest violent crimes one after another? No. I can’t do anything about that except worry. Do they ever cover food? Only sometimes. I want real news that matters to me. Real journalism. I don’t just want a new recipe. I want actual food news: the good, the bad, and the ugly… and I can find that on the internet!
Ups and downs:
(Up = good news or an action item)
(Down = bad news all around)
School food news
- (Up!) Michelle Obama Named To 2011 “Time 100” List, For Let’s Move! Campaign (Obama Foodorama) — Too cool!
- (Down!) Let’s Move! Is Not A Campaign to Ban Food (Obama Foodorama) — The continued need to remind folks of Let’s Move!’s goals
- (Up!) Chef Tim named ‘Champion of Change’, part of President Obama’s Winning the Future initiative! (NH School Food) — Congrats!
- (Down!) The Fight to Get Toxins out of NYC Schools (NYC Educator) — Toxins still in schools!! Aarg! It’s important to think bigger than just the cafeteria.
- (Up!) DC School Food Director Calls Chartwells Contract Crap (Better DC School Food) — Ouch!
- (Down!) Are you drinking sugar? (What’s Cooking With Kids) — Great visual, but also disturbing!
- (Down!) NY Times Sugar Bombshell (Better DC School Food) — Amazing article about how sugar is killing us.
Food Dyes
- (Up!) A dye-free future? We decide. (Spoonfed) — Great post about the food dye debate and how we need to buy dye-free products.
- (Up!) Passionate Parents Who Want Healthy Food for Their Children (Feed Our Families) — I missed out on a massive Twitter party because I was on vacation (spring break), but you can read all about what happened.
Things you can do
- (Up!) Obesity as collateral damage: changing food industry behavior (Marion Nestle) — Submit your comment to the Journal of Public Health Policy.
- (Up!) The Fight to Label GMOs and 7 Ways You Can Avoid GMOs (Nourished Kitchen) — We need to know if what we are eating is genetically modified. Because we are eating GM food every day — all of us! We just don’t know it. Here’s stuff you can do.
- (Down!) What do Processed Foods and Cosmetics have in common? (What’s Cooking With Kids) — I saw this video a long time ago and I love it.
- (Down!) What Industry Doesn’t Want You To Know About Animal Factories (Civil Eats) — Not good.
- (Down!) Oxfam is partnering with Coca-cola (Marion Nestle) — Smells fishy to me.
It’s like riding a rollercoaster of information. I think I have whiplash.

I blogged about the sugar article last week-it really makes you think about your sugar consumption! we eliminated hfcs from our house last year, but I still use a lot of cane sugar in baking and cooking. I'm really going to work on cutting this down!
GMOs are very scary, and I still can't believe labeling is not required. I appreciate what Michelle Obama is doing for healthy food awareness, but when her husband and his staff do nothing to regulate gmo's, and in fact recently allowed alfalfa crops to become gmo, it's very discouraging.
My kitchen is 99% gmo free, so it is possible to eliminate them from your diet, but you do have to do the research, and take the time to read labels etc. It's worth the effort though!
Here's a good gmo free shopping guide
thanks for all these interesting links, Mrs. Q! i especially read with interest the one on "how much sugar are you drinking" and the one talking about cosmetics. does make you think…
Awesome list, Q!!
(Down!) Are you drinking sugar? (What's Cooking With Kids) — Great visual, but also disturbing! is a good article, other than it pushes forward the myth that eating sugar is what causes diabetes.