My own 2010 birthday cake
My blog is one year old! The anniversary of my very first blog post is Monday. Even one year ago today, just before I posted for the first time, I was still debating. Should I eat school lunches and blog it? I would lean towards “no,” then I would think, “maybe.” Finally I decided “yes,” without telling anyone. This whole thing was this close to never happening. So…
Happy birthday, little blog that could!
Where is Mrs. Q headed in 2011? What is happening with Fed Up With Lunch? Lots of good stuff I can’t talk about yet. But I will keep blogging:
- School lunch issues and news items
- What I’m eating and how my gluten-free diet is going (very well)
- What I pack in my little boy’s lunch
- Ad critiques (like I did in the summer)
- Product reviews
- Book club (Free for All is the first book for Jan/Feb)
- Guest bloggers
- Community work (like I did in summer)
- Open threads
- Titanium Spork Awards
- Blog parties, Twitter parties, and Facebook discussions
- Giveaways
- Blog conferences
- Random thoughts about life
- My favorite things in lists, like cookbooks and bloggers
- More personal stuff about me and my family…be patient, it’s in the works
I’d like to do a website migration to self-hosted and redesign (please email me recommendations for designers, if you know someone) later in the year. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure not to lose you on RSS. And I’ve finally updated the outdated links on the blog’s side bar.
I just saw the button, below, on Tea and Cookies. I guess, I had never scrolled down on her site before. I had to re-post it, because when I read it, it took my breath away:
My wish for you in 2011 is braveness. Now that I mention it, my wish for myself is braveness too!

Happy Anniversary! Looking forward to the year!
Happy New Year!
Happy Birthday! Thanks for all you are doing!
If you're looking for a designer I'd recommend
They're just launching so I'm pretty sure you could get the site done as part of their portfolio for below market rates. They're currently building me a pretty complicated educational flashcard learning site and it's going well. I'm happy with them.
Happy new year!
Be Brave you Can do it!
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! (Any way I could get in your blogroll? )
Got my book, btw. Looks like an interesting read!
Congratulations on making it through! Best of luck figuring out where you're headed with it all next. Looks like you have a pretty good idea what you want to do, but as you've seen, blogging takes up quite a bit of time, so try not to let it overwhelm you. 🙂
Happy New Year! Thank you for stopping by my blog and for getting me interested in what the heck they're feeding my son at his school. Tomorrow I'm sending him with homemade potato leek soup.
Congratulations on an amazing first year! May you have many more.
Happy Birthday to the little blog that could!!!