I want to urge you to call your representative today Wednesday and urge him/her to pass the Healthy, Hunger-free Kids Act. Here’s what the Healthy Schools Campaign emailed me:
Dear HSC Friend:
This Wednesday, the House of Representatives is scheduled to vote on the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act, the legislation that provides funding and sets standards for school food.
The House is considering the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act (S. 3307) which, though far from perfect, includes excellent policy changes to improve school food now and in the future. In a time when many children face both hunger and obesity, this bill presents an opportunity to set policy that will bring healthier food to the children who need it most.
Your voice is crucial in making this policy a reality. Please call your Representative today:
Dial 1-877-698-8228 and enter your zip code to be connected directly to your Representative’s office. Deliver this simple message: “Congress must not adjourn without passing the child nutrition bill. Please vote yes for the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act.”
We have urged those who care about school food to speak up about this issue several times over the past two years as reauthorization worked its way through Congress. Now, as Congress prepares to vote, your voice is more important than ever.
Thank you for taking action.
Let’s get this over with already! How long does this bill have to sit around considering how important it is to so many little people?

My rep crafted (or helped) the legislation – so we are good. Plus, I emailed all of my senators! 😉 But I think Franken and Klobuchar are good bets for yes.
There's no excuse for letting kids go hungry…
To improve the quality of my children’s environment in school we moved recently before our two children began high school. We were in a public school system that had such an issue with gangs that the school system implimented uniforms and modified dress codes. We have moved to a different county, a more rural county and school system. While they have different challenges (less money), the most notable difference was the food served to the children! The school system in the more populated county (with more money) had fresh foods and a great selection including the choice of a Chef Salad every day instead of regular lunch selection. Now…my children describe the food and I am amazed and shocked. How many carbs can you cram into a meal was my first question!
So now, I too make lunch every day for my two children in middle school and high school and I have changed my cooking in the evening to accomodate additional servings for them to take to school. I can make sure the food groups are met and it’s food they “want” to eat! Somedays its a great sandwhich on a fresh bread (from an artisan bakery in town…no preservatives)…but most the time “leftovers”.
I commend all you are doing!!! I tell my husband every day that I am active in improving the school system because even though my children are close to being done…I pray to be blessed with grandchildren one day and they will need it too!
Why aren’t vegetarians outraged that their federal tax dollars are being used to fund any meat and dairy-based meal at all?
It’s time to end the Child Nutrition Act … The federal government has no business indoctrinating kids what they should eat or not eat.