At BlogHer Food, I met tons of “foodies” (see Revelations post) and it was uplifting to hear how many people care about what kids are eating at school. I want to know who you follow in the foodie world. I’m looking for recipe writers, food policy bloggers, nutritionists, and mommy/daddy bloggers with a food slant. Who should I add to my RSS feed that I may not be currently reading? Which bloggers do you turn to for the latest scoop on anything related to food?

I LOVE to read Super Healthy Kids She's got great ideas and gorgeous pictures!
Have you delved into the world of "Real Food"? These are some of my favorite bloggies:,,, – just to name a few. Look at their feeds, and you'll find some more that are terrific!
My favorite right now is Stone Soup (, which is a minimalist home cooking blog. She's lately been on a 5 ingredients or fewer kick.
I was going to recommend the same as Chuck and Brynn. is my absolute favourite! She recently had a really good post on school lunches.
I love lots of food blogs. Some are the same ones you met while you were away like PW and The Gluten Free Girl. You might love this one She is amazing and she shares beautiful pictures of her food.
Here is another cool one:
Hope you get lots of great blog suggestions!
Mrs. Q, you are my current favorite food blog, and I've found most of my kids' nutrition bloggers through you!
But I love The photography is beautiful and I enjoy the descriptions of her experiences with the food — plus I've had good luck with the recipes, including Baked Kale Chips and Chewy Oatmeal Cookies.
You might enjoy, which describes life on a farm and includes wonderful recipes using the bounty of the land. The Spicy Pumpkin Raisin Muffin recipe is fantastic. is a mom who blogs about food for her toddler daughter as well as recipes she tries for her own restricted diet. (I like her How To section.)
And at my nascent blog,, I find myself talking a lot about kids' food. A post is brewing about easy, satisfying, healthy (really!) ice cream that those with lactose intolerance can enjoy, too!
Some of the foodie blogs i like;
I also concur about the real food people. the Nourished Kitchen has been a real inspiration to me! I also read an interesting blog from NC called where she and her family are eliminating processed foods, eating nothing but whole grains, no refined sugar, etc. They did it for 100 days this summer, and she is on a second round of 100 days on a budget of $125 a week. It is interesting. We are trying to do the same thing. Sadly, no budget here though…
I will ride on the skirt tails of The Table of Promise to say that I love her blog, and yours Mrs. Q.
Like ToP, I too love 100daysofrealfood, 101cookbooks and smitten kitchen. All good ones.
I also am a fan of Cathy Erway's blogs Lunch At Sixpoint and Not Eating Out in New York. Although not kid-specific, my son has loved many of her recipes. Especially her Asian-inspired recipes, my husband is half-korean so we eat a lot of typical Korean/Chinese/Taiwanese/Japanese flavors.
In addition, as a mom of a food allergic kiddo: I NEED those specific blogs too: Peanuts in Eden, Brooklyn Allergy Mom's Blog, Apron Strings, Speedbump Kitchen, Food Allergy Mama, Cybele Pascal and Nut-Free Mom.
Lastly, Is it rude to pimp my "group" blog? Me and 4 other moms have a food club (we meet once a month) and blog the rest of the month on how food intersects in our lives; so its not just recipes but also our connects with our CSA's, meal planning issues, interviews with local purveyors, ect.
AMAZING find!!
I highly recommend Simple Spoonful. She just returned from a blogging hiatus and she writes about diabetic friendly foods, whole foods, and local foods.
I agree with the "Real Food Media" suggestion. Cheeseslave and Kelly the Kitchen Kop are my favorites. I also like Maria's Nutritional Counseling.
I love this post – I don't know how I'll ever have time to read them all! I've recently discovered All Home Cooking All Year Long – it's a woman on a very tight budget who makes as much as she can from scratch: And she has another blog specifically about the lunches she makes for her kids called 360 Lunch Boxes:
I love! Fantastic healthy food for families. I blog about sustainable, local cooking in Austin, Texas at
You are a blog hero, Mrs. Q. Keep it up!!
Dinner: A Love Story
Although you are pretty awesome!
This guy is awesome!!!
I love her cookbooks!
Thanks for all the hot tips!
Challenge of 100 days of REAL food following a few rules of Michael Pollan.
Here are my favorite food blogs:
This one has BEAUTIFUL pictures and amazing food! I want to live this life!
Parisian Food blog (in English) with the best recipes using fresh ingredients:
Coconut and Lime is a long-time favorite:
Dutch cooking blog with amazing recipes:
Mod Meals on Mendenhall is a local food blogger and one of my favorites:
Serious Eats you probably know about, but it is focused on more than just recipes, it also has food news and culture. I love it!
I discovered SlashFood after Serious Eats, but I love it just as much. It is also about food culture for us foodies!
Here is a new one I'm loving:
I rely on Marion Nestle and your blog, Mrs. Q, for food news I most care about. I check Michael Pollan's Web site periodically and read his articles that are published. They're linked on his site starting with his controversial feature in The NY Times Magazine that was published last week:
Some other food blogs I like that aren't listed on your site at present:
Take Part/Hungry for Change
Real Food Rehab
Poor Girl Eats Well
Girl Gone Granola
Cheap, Healthy, Good
Mother Is Not Concerned
Quips, Travails and Braised Oxtails
Decaf Mom
Just Hungry
SuperMom101 – What's on your plate?
Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. – Hippocrates
You have my blog listed on your page (What are my kids eating –, and I want to thank you again for that. I get a lot of traffic from your site, and I really appreciate it. I read your blog daily and admire what you are doing. Thanks again!
I like Taste is Trump by Kara Bagley. She doesn't post as much anymore, but her older recipes are great. I have used almost every one of them.
I second
(Go back and read the archives of '05 and '06.) Seeing Jennifer's lunches was (and continues to be) a huge inspiration, and set a new standard of healthy-eating and healthy lunches for me.
A blog I recently discovered and LOVE: (practical vegan cooking for a family!)
First time commenter here, but I read your blog daily! If you're looking for a nutrition/foodie blog, Fake Food Free is good.
I follow:
I follow a few others, but those are my big three that I try to never miss (except the last one on Fridays since that's a regular guest post from a Crossfit trainer and exercise does not interest me).
Of course, I follow The Pioneer Woman Cooks blog as well, but doesn't everyone?
My friends write a great food/wine blog that is all about being creative in the kitchen and using wholesome, local foods. They also are amateur award-wining wine makers. Here is the link:
If you do check them out tell them that Jen Donnelly suggested them!
Mrs. Q
I like this link for several reasons. It has a teaching/education component and some of the most popular SF Bay Area Chefs participate in their program. I used to be involved in the program directed at Oakland inner city public schools and as far as I know the program continues today. Thanks for the open thread!
Oh! looking at the dish brings water in mouth. I have bookmarked this site and ask my wife to cook for me this noon! Wonderful..thanks
Demi chef de Partie Job description
Read anything you can find by Mark Bittman! He’s a writer for the New York Times and has so many good ideas about food and policy in this country.