I have teamed up with Canadian blogger Karen from Notes from the Cookie Jar to host a Back-to-School party! It started as a Twitter party exclusively and now it’s an official Blog party too. We will have too much fun chatting, sharing ideas for change, and … there will be giveaways for participants.
August 26-29
Back-to-school Lunch Revolution Blog Party
To participate and enter to win prizes:
1) Please write up a blog post (if you have no blog, upload a youtube video or a flickr photo) about anything related to school lunch including suggestions for school lunch reform, brown-bag lunch recipes, tips for packing lunches for kids, notes you write and put in your kids’ lunches, kids’ favorite foods and drinks, how to make a traditional food more healthy, etc.
2) Link your post with the Mr. Linky widget under to Thursday August 26th’s post about the blog party.
3) Visit other blogger’s school lunch posts on the Mr. Linky list over the course of the weekend (it can be on Fed Up With Lunch’s blog post or on Notes from the Cookie Jar blog post). Post a comment on Thursday’s Fed Up With Lunch post with THREE things you learned (tips/links/recipes/posts) from the links posted on the blog.
4) The Mr. Linky widget will from open on Thursday morning August 26 until midnight on Sunday August 29th. Check back on Monday August 30th to see who won! Prizes to be given away to folks who post a link AND make a comment.
Current prizes are brand-new lunch-related books (still finalizing my list so there may be more) with a personalized note from me:
Friday, August 27th, 8pm CST/ 9pm EST
School Lunch Twitter Party #schoollunch and #lunchrevolution
I will be tweeting (@fedupwithlunch) about school lunch, taking your questions, and posting a few for you to answer for an hour on Friday August 27th, 8pm CST/ 9pm EST. To participate, use the hashtag #schoollunch and #lunchrevolution to chat with others and post your own thoughts, comments, and questions. I’ll post a Tweetgrid on Thursday so that you can follow along with other people who are participating and using #schoollunch and #lunchrevolution.
Oh, Jamie Oliver might just pop in to tweet with me and Karen this weekend as he has been in touch with both of us about our Twitter party (he won’t be tweeting during the actual party as it is 2am in the UK at that time)!
Prizes: A giftcard every 15 minutes (including $15 iTunes). Prizes will be awarded at random to people tweeting about school lunch using one of the above hashtags!

My apologies, nothing to do with the blog party post, but 3 items that I thought might be of interest to you and others who comment here.
On line article: CPS unveils push for healthier school meals
Book: "Free for All: Fixing School Food in America" – Janet Poppendieck
Book: "Living the Country Dream" – Tom Cruickshank
I've marked my calendar. What a wonderful idea.
Our local organization, REAP, a non-profit food group does outreach in our Madison Wisconsin Schools and tries to encorporate healthy local food products into our school lunch program. I applaud them! They hold an event called "Food for Thought" festival which brings families, restaurants, and farmers together for educational opportunities and ideas of how we can work together in feeding ourselves a best diet. Their website is http://www.reapfoodgroup.org
Hi Mrs. Q I missed this party… Anyway, I just drop by to say that you did a good job sponsoring this kind of event – back to school blog and twitter party rocks. I wonder how many participated. I bet there are a bunch because the goodies are also cool.