Six months down…
June stats:
12 school lunches eaten:
(2 – pizza lunches)
(3 – burger-like lunches)
(2 – chicken lunches)
(1 – hot dog lunch)
(1 – pasta lunches)
(1 – PB and J sandwich)
(1 – chili)
(1 – cheese sandwich)
(5 – fruit cups)
(6 – carrots)
(0- apples)
(1 – bananas)
(2 – beans)
(1 – broccoli)
(1 – orange)
(0 – green beans)
(1 – fruit jello)
(2- tater tots)
(1 – corn)
(1 – fruit icee)
(0 – peas)
(0 – pears)
(0 -greens)
What I posted in June:
Children’s Food Bill of Rights
Be Q – I challenge you to do something different this summer
Salad bars in schools – an article I found
Soup up my lunch posts:
Guest bloggers:
College cafeteria food
Reducing cafeteria waste
Ronald McDonald
Ed Bruske, The Slow Cook
Amy Kalafa, Two Angry Moms
Better Bagged Lunches
Step-mom with veggies at school
Convenience store gluttony
Denver area school lunch experience
Open threads in June:
Summer food festivals and favorite farmer’s markets
School lunch reformers
Vegetarians, vegans, and people with food allergies
Beverages at school
What I learned about myself:
- Thanks for your comments and emails. They mean the world to me.
- I still am proud of myself for doing this blog project and balancing the rest of my real life responsibilities. I don’t know how I find the time.
- I ate through half a year of school lunches! And my health didn’t suffer too badly in the short run..
- guest bloggers who care about school lunch issues
- international perspectives on lunches at school
- your thoughts and feedback
Coming in July: Random school lunch and children’s food-related photos, more “soup up my lunch,” AND I’m taking a vacation…

you survived with that? wow… kudos my friend…
Yay! The half way mark! It is all downhill from here!
I would like to guest blog. Can you email me about this?
Carmen, Chief Mom for Diets In Review
[email protected]