I’m looking for your thoughts. Since this blog has evolved into more than just a daily chronicle of school lunch at my school, I want your feedback on what you like, what you don’t, what you want more of and what you want to see less frequently. All comments that are personal attacks will be elited I mean deleted. Only genuine criticism please.
1) What’s your favorite thing about the blog?
2) What bugs you enough to want it changed? (I have already made a note of laying off the “paranoid” tone)
3) Is two posts per day too many? For example, oftentimes I have one guest blog and one daily lunch post per day. Sometimes I think it’s an overwhelming amount of content.
3) I try to have one “op-ed” blog post of mine per week. I think that’s just right. Do you want more?
4) Which guest blogs do you like the most? I have not solicited any guest blogs. I have been lucky that people contacted me wanting to be a part of the project. Are there a certain type of guest blog that you would like to see more of? Specific people that you want to hear from? I could try to actively seek out certain kinds of contributors.
5) Are the Saturday “Open threads” valuable?
6) Anything I’ve missed that you’d like to comment on?
Sneak peak of things to come:
- Announcing my summer plans this week…
- More specific advice about what you (teacher or parent in particular) can do
- “Schoolyard confidential,” a new feature exploring teachers and the school environment

I like the photos and the guest bloggers that give different perspectives. Nothing I dislike or I wouldn't keep coming back to read. I don't even have children but find it fascinating and has rekindled many memories of my own lunchtime experiences – exception being that by the time I was in high school Domino's Pizza nd Taco Bell actually had their very own stands/carts in the cafeteria.
We love you! Keep up the great work. I love reading about your thoughts & experiences. I'm a teacher, and you have tons of people thinking, and have spurred so much dialogue at my school! Even if your cover is blown, you have moved so many people to action, to question, and to change habits. Keep on keepin' on!
Happy Trails!
I think your blog is wonderful. I will read as may posts as you want to have. As A former paraprofessional in a kindergarten class I can attest to how unhealthy school lunches can be. Part of my job was to take the class to lunch and make sure they at least tried everything. Not an easy task!
My suggestion for future posts would be to ask some of the kids what they had for dinner. As a mother who cooks 95 percent of my sons meals from scratch I have found that this is rare. My biggest problem has been that I have found a lot of my sons friends parents buy pizza and other fast food for dinner more than cook a healthy meal. So of course my son has always whined about wanting that instead of what I am making. Although that has fallen on deaf ears. (And yes I am a working mom.)
Keep up the great work!!!!!!!!!
Hey, I don't really have any comments other than I love it, esp. the actual daily food pictures/write ups.
As for people who think you're too "paranoid," don't let them get you down. I don't think you come off as paranoid at ALL. I do NOT get it. And you have every right to feel some concern over your school and district finding out who you are. For people who aren't teachers that say you should come out, they don't get it. For other teachers who say it, if they feel that strongly, why aren't they doing this?
Keep up the good work!
-A former teacher 🙂
1) What's your favorite thing about the blog? I love the pictures and lunch posts from other countries and places as well as yours. Its so interesting to read about how they do it somewhere else.
2) What bugs you enough to want it changed? Not really anything.
3) Is two posts per day too many? i say that is something you need to decide. We can read the information whenever we want. You are the one writing two per day.
3) I try to have one "op-ed" blog post of mine per week. I think that's just right. Do you want more? I'm not sure what that means. Is that just when you ramble?? I don't mind those.
4) Which guest blogs do you like the most? I have not solicited any guest blogs. I have been lucky that people contacted me wanting to be a part of the project. Are there a certain type of guest blog that you would like to see more of? Specific people that you want to hear from? Like I said I love hearing about what other places are doing. I also like the opinion of the high school graduate, it would be fun to have some "in-highschool" kids adding their thoughts. I don't know how possible that is.
5) Are the Saturday "Open threads" valuable? yes
Thanks for what you do. This really is a very intersting blog. i usually don't read these, but this one peaks my interest.
I'd like to see a guest post about the government policies and funding for school lunches. And I'd also like to read about farm subsidies and how subsidies affect what food is served in schools. There is a reason why chicken nuggets and tater tots are the cheapest things for schools to serve. To change things, we have to get at the policies the system is based on.
I enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work