I’d like to have a comprehensive list of links on the side of the blog so that people interested in school lunches, nutrition, food politics, food journalism, food service, foodies, mommy meal planners, school gardeners, school lunch companies, etc. But I don’t have time to hunt each of you down and figure out your blog URL, etc.
If you want to have a link in a new list to the side of the blog, please comment below with your blog’s name, URL and how it might possibly relate to the discussion we have as a community around school lunches. I’ll add and update the link list slowly over time (you know, when I get some!) Thanks!

This isn't my blog, but http://politicsoftheplate.com/ is a great blog by Barry Estabrook that discusses food politics.
Mrs. Q – your blog is an amazing resource to bring focus to this issue!
The shocking state of school lunches has required me to prepare and pack healthy lunch box meals for my 3 kids since my oldest started preschool 15 years ago. Parents need a simple and affordable way to be sure their children will eat a healthy lunch, but we can't wait around for the school districts to get that message.
Our kids need good nutrition today!
Packing a lunch box is the only sure solution available right now.
And that's why I created The EasyLunchbox System: Compartmentalized containers and cooler bags, that when used together, help families quickly pack healthy lunches without wasting time, money, paper, or plastic. Please visit my website for more.
-Kelly Lester, mom & CEO
Slow Food USA has joined with several other organizations and Chef Ann Cooper to press for changes to the Child Nutrition Act, the federal legislation that underpins the National School Lunch Program. More generally, the organization is committed to promoting production and consumption of good, clean, and fair food. Good food should be a right, not a privilege!
With that said, I'd recommend links to:
Slow Food USA: http://slowfoodusa.org/
Slow Food USA's Time For Lunch campaign:
And thanks again for giving more people a day-to-day view of what children are eating!
Lisa Lucas Talbot
coleader of Slow Food Los Angeles; regional governor for Slow Food USA in southern California
our elementary school is in Neukölln, one of the biggest boroughs of Berlin, Germany. We serve food in our school at two different desks: one is the mensa, where the majority of our students can get a healthy plate, then we have student's café, there we serve sandwiches and other little snacks (good coffee for the educators an the school staff, like me, being an Edu-Blogger working there:)).
I really like an enjoy your blog, it's so ethnological. At first, to be honest, I was a little bit shocked of the food-pics, they reminded me of food, served in planes.
Best wishes from Berlin,
Our schoolblog: http://karlweise.blogspot.com/
Please add our school: McCallum Public French Immersion Elementary School in Windsor, Ontario: http://www.mccallumcougars.com. We run a daily nutrition program at recess for all students (nearly 600), a soup program in the winter (soup and a bun, both freshly made at the school for $1) and we make hot lunches once a month to raise funds for the school. It's actually 3 times a month, because of our limited cooking facilities. Our volunteer parents felt it was worth doing this 3 times over for each of 3 groups on consecutive Fridays, rather than purchasing mass produced food for the entire school. It's somewhat more work, but the quality of what we serve is so much better.
This blog, Sustainable in the Suburbs, covers sustainable living in and around the Chicago Suburbs. It covers a wide range of issues, from School Composting Programs to local food issues, volunteer opportunities, and spotlights on local organizations and individuals that promote sustainability in the burbs. It is a growing community, check it out, and if you would like to get involved or have any questions, e-mail me!
Take Care and Keep up the good work Mrs. Q!
My 6th-grade students and I created this site to showcase the sad state of school lunch in New York City public schools. Each day, a pair of students takes a photo of our school lunch and posts it along with a review. Similar to what you do here, but from the viewpoint of the kids, who are usually disappointed by the appearance, flavor and smell of what they're being served. Please visit us!
My blog is named "another lunch". I'm just a mommy packing lunches for my kids and trying to make them as healthy and fun and waste-free as I can… and trying to encourage others to do the same.
I love your blog! I am just getting mine underway. It it spring break, though…so hopefully, I'll get everything up. I have decided to start blogging about my journey/roadblocks/successes as a PTA newbie who is organizing a school green club, developing an outdoor classroom and changing our school's outlook on food. Did I mention I'm doing this in Texas? That's where the fun begins. They want to do the right thing..at least that's what I keep telling myself. I love what you and everyone that has commented to this post are doing!
It's not completely centered around food, but I'm chronicling how I'm improving my family's eating habits not only to control my husband's and my weight, but to set in good habits for my girls at a young age and ward off diabetes and heart disease, which Hubby and I are high risk for genetically speaking. Recipes are posted most Sundays with weight control, nutrition, and physical fitness posts added periodically.
Regardless of your perspective, this document has some good discussion of the issues and problems involved in improving school lunches:
I currently am a cook for a private school's lunch program. Although we prepare a fresh from scratch lunch daily, we are at a crossroads of sorts with portion control and encouraging/ forcing smart choices.
This is my brand new personal blog dealing with my kids and their finicky eating, but I'm trying to make them eat well.
Hello, my blog is about a community food idea that is relevant for families with school aged children.
It is called Joy and the YamDaisy and the URL is http://background-joy.blogspot.com/
My website is http://home.vicnet.net.au/~yamdaisy/
I look forward to checking out all these links!
Better D.C. School Food
all school food, all the time, in the nation's capitol, published by Parents for Better D.C. School Food
This isn't a link to a blog, but a resource we should all take a look at – The Food Environment Atlas from the Economic Research Service at the USDA: http://www.ers.usda.gov/foodatlas/
My husband and I started a website last year called Lunchtaker. It is full of ideas for packing your lunch. You can search for food by color, nutrition, letter of the alphabet, and more. Our focus is on healthy lunches and variety – we allow users to submit their own foods and we calculate nutrition for them, and everything has a picture and nutrition info. Great project – thanks for letting us post!
Check out our site at: http://www.lunchtaker.com
I work for a great non-profit that works for healthier school food in MA as well as raising participation in School Breakfast and Summer Food Programs. http://www.meals4kids.org
I have a blog called "What are my kids eating?" – http://www.graysonandharper.blogspot.com.
I started it because a lot of my friends struggle with how to feed their kids healthfully in a world filled with food garbage. They were constantly asking my advice, so I started writing it down.
My son is in Kindergarten, so we face the school lunch battle, and I mention it frequently in my blog – what his school is offering, what we pack, etc.
Love your blog, keep fighting the good fight!
Our organization – Healthy Schools Campaign: http://healthyschoolscampaign.typepad.com/
We work on promoting healthy environments and better school food. We have also partnered with Chef Ann, Slow Food and the Farm to School Network to work to promote school food policy.
Great work and thanks!
Hi Mrs. Q, I left academia a year ago to pursue a career in organic farming. Since then, I've been trying to figure out how to grow vegetables organically and sustainably, and how more people can access them. I currently work on a farm in Austin, Texas.
I write about it at: http://www.dissertationtodirt.com
Thanks for all your work.
Hi Mrs Q. I would love to be added. I have a degree in nutrition and where I want to go with it is in the direction of school lunch overhaul. When I am able to afford it and I am able to take the time I plan on getting a Master's in Public Health. I want to lobby for school nutrition. The bad stuff needs to go and the good stuff needs to be brought in. I have a blog called Playing With My Food. I use it as a way to show people that you can cook healthy meals that are still tasty and delicious. It can be found at http://www.playfood.wordpress.com
First off, I am loving this blog and keep recommending it to people…it's that great!
I would love to be linked up. My website is http://www.bebemeals.com
I recently started Bebe Meals dedicated to teaching people how to make healthy food for their babies and children!
I'm not affiliated with them, but The Ethicurean blog often discuses school lunches. You will probably like today's post in particular (it also includes more links): http://www.ethicurean.com/2010/03/14/top-chef-school-lunch/
Hi, I don't know if my blog is what you're looking for to link to.. but it's photography of food, some that I've cooked, some that others have cooked, usually with a recipe, but the key is the Culinary Anthropology blurb… I'll post a brief summary of where the food originated, how it came to be, how it's morphed and why it's eaten. It's something that's always interested me, so I decided to start bloggin' about it =)
It can be found at:
great idea for a blog!
it's important that we feed kids a lunch in school that will actually benefit them and taste good, and it's not that hard to do…
after graduation from culinary school 20 years ago, i worked for several high end caterers and in different dining halls at a university. now i work at a small theme park.
long story short – no matter where ive worked, we always make what we serve from the freshest ingredients available. seldom did we buy anything pre-made.
we could do the same for our children…
please add my link to your sidebar
My blog is
mostly about fitness, but other things too. 🙂
Hi Mrs. Q
Yep! we'd love some link love at REAP http://www.reapfoodgroup.org/
PE4life, The American Dietetics Association Foundation and American Council on Fitness and Nutrition have partnered for the Healthy Schools Partnership (HSP). This partnership incorporates quality nutrition and physical education programs into schools – including Registered Dietitians who attend schools and help make healthy choices.
Our mission… "To bring Farm Fresh milk to those who don't have access to farms." Non-homogenized (cream top), Vat Pasteurized, Organic milk. http://www.farmerscreamery.com"
The Healthy Schools Partnership (HSP) consists of The American Dietetics Association Foundation, PE4life and The American Council on Fitness and Nutrition. This partnership works with schools to integrate quality physical education programs with quality nutrition programs – including providing Registered Dietitians to schools to help children make better choices.
Mrs. Q You are creating a fantastic and on warding movement of healthy foods at schools a mini passion of mine since I was in the forth grade. Keep it up!
My blog, http://www.farmerlady.wordpress.com chronicles my family's journey as we move from an urban environment to open up a sustainable farm and experiential education outfit in rural Kentucky. I am a public school teacher and I know first hand the negative effect the lack of nutrition in our students' diets has on their learning. Your blog is great! Keep it up!
Kerry Kirk, Certified Health Counselor
Masters in Public Health
[email protected]
My blog about pescetarian parenting frequently discusses school food.
I will post something about your cause.
I posted a comment on another post and so won't repeat it all here.
I founded Healthy Lunch & Lifestyle Project, Inc. (HELP) in 2008.
In 2009, I became a volunteer Food Service Director in our area and provide those services to multiple schools.
I am happy to share our model and our work. Our website is http://www.helpshasta.com
Not my blog, but have you seen this yet? http://www.angrymoms.org/
Great movie and links on the website.
Glad you're doing this and if your school or district punishes you for it, I hope they get a wave of protest!
We have a green-living blog (www.ecosizeme.com) paired with an environmental education business in which we conduct assemblies and presentations to schools (and community groups). Our blogging, in part, draws from my experience volunteering at my children's elementary school as the "Green School Chairperson". All of the schools in our relatively small district are "Green" via the Michigan Green Schools Program. How does this tie into school lunches? Some of our focus (through our volunteer efforts as well as our blog and business)is on kids packing "green" lunches. Yes, less packaging. Fewer overpackaged, processed foods. More fresh, healthy items. Several of us moms are now in meetings with the district on eliminating styrofoam trays from the school cafeterias…due to environmental and health reasons. I hope that our blog/website would fit nicely into a green category on your site. Thank you so much for taking on this project. I hope that your efforts pave the way for better things for all of our children.
Dear Mrs. Q: I am a registered dietitian and co-author of The Moms' Guide to Meal Makeovers. As a mother of two school-age children and an advocate in my community for healthy school lunches and more physical activity, I'm on a mission to help fellow parents feed their families a healthy and delicious diet. I have a free weekly radio podcast called Cooking with the Moms where my co-host and I provide kid-friendly and nutritious recipes for families AND I have a blog called, Meal Makeover Moms' Kitchen, also dedicated to improving the family diet. I would be honored if you could add my blog name and URL to your sidebar. I enjoy reading your blog and am thrilled by the attention you are bringing to the problems associated with school lunch menus. There was a time, about 6 years ago, when I stood almost alone on this issue and when I ruffled A LOT of school administrators' feathers. It's so nice now to among a growing vocal majority. On a final note, in case you haven't seen this study on school lunch and the link to overweight kids, it's a MUST READ: http://bit.ly/cS0tP1
My blog URL is
I love love love your blog! I have recently written to our school board asking them to eat school lunch for a month. I've only heard from one member, and I bet she's not eating that food. Here's a post I wrote on the topic. I've also spoken at TEDxRTP about food and write about food for WRAL GoAskMom, a local news site. http://www.dirtandnoise.com/2010/02/michelle-obamas-lets-move-initiative.html
I'm a mommy meal planner who blogs about food politics sometimes, and also ran a food stamp challenge (40 weeks of feeding my family for less than $2 per person per day.)
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