Garlic Scapes
I find Garlic Scapes to be delicious and interesting. They are strong raw, but a little sauteeing makes them a bit more to my liking. I’d describe their flavor as a cross between garlic and an onion. I use them in place of onions and or garlic in any stir fries. They are really versatile like garlic and actually last a long time in the fridge. Chop them, fry them in a little olive oil, and then use them any way you want. I fried them with some chard and it was a wonderful little side.
Can you spot the bug? There was a little passenger
It was another bounty — again this is delayed so these were my spoils from June. I like the mix of familiar (lettuce, spinach, green onions, strawberries — even scapes) with more challenging. Maybe after I do this for a couple years all of it will be familiar to me.
Tomato Mountain CSA: Garlic Scapes, Lettuce, Green onions, Yukina Savoy, Russian Red Kale, Strawberries.
Have you tried garlic scape pesto? It’s delicious!
I agree that garlic scapes are a wonderful and relatively underutilized treat. Here’s what we did with ours.
I made a quiche with my garlic scapes. Perfect for brunch or a light dinner