I’m approaching my 36th birthday. I really thought I’d have figured it all out by now. I still don’t feel like I’ve grown up most of the time, but I have to behave like one.
The last time I felt a cosmic shift in my life was when I was 23. At the time I felt self-acceptance for the first time. In particular, I remember liking my body and appreciating it. There was a happiness in that shift.
Having little Daniel join the family has softened me. I don’t think anyone can come away from parenting without having their world view jostled quite a bit. It turns out that having kiddo number two has made me even more relaxed about things. My favorite thing to do with them is just lay on the carpet in the living room, playing Legos with Charlie and wrestling Daniel as he crawls all over me.
Every day I have an idea for a blog post. That’s probably surprising considering I haven’t posted in a couple months. The thing is that most of my thoughts don’t apply to the original mission of this blog. Blog posts get written in my brain while driving to work, doing dishes at the sink, taking my dog out… but they don’t get written or posted here or anywhere.
I’m going to publish on a different blog. I’ve already purchased a couple different domains and I’ve been toying with some new ideas. I don’t want to commit until I’m sure that I will be able to move forward. That’s why there has been some quiet time here on Fed Up With Lunch. And… I’ve started packing lunch for Charlie this year again. I was able to take 15 months off of lunch packing and it was a much needed respite. I’ve taken some pictures of his lunches and I’m thinking about putting those shots online somewhere. But not here. Putting his lunches here always made me feel uncomfortable.
Watch me jump. It will happen this year.

What a treat to see you in my inbox this morning! So glad you’re doing well and the boys are keeping you busy (and happy).
Thanks for sharing this with us. I know what you mean, you have the inspiration but not the right forum for what you’d like to share. You won’t ever let us down unless you let yourself down and I can understand your need for a different subject in this creative outlet if writing.