The change in the weather has been welcome. The winter weather felt pretty miserable. But for the first time in several years I feel like we had a real spring. No more of the abrupt scene change from winter to summer. I like spring because it gives me hope that winter is over. I also need help with that transition to summer. It’s just too hard to go from a heavy sweater to shorts in a two days’ time.
I worried that I would not be able to take a picture of “twilight” because that is bedtime for two little boys. I can’t run outside for a picture instead of nursing the baby or cuddling with someone in his big boy bed. Luckily, the weather was so nice we took a walk after dinner. I thought the sun going down through the trees would suffice. Just after I took this picture, I felt a chill on my skin. It was ambitious to wear a tank top to the playground, but it felt really good. Hopeful, even.