Today over 200 food bloggers are standing up and reminding us that hunger exists in the US, even when we don’t see it on a daily basis or experience it personally. Nicole Gulotta of The Giving Table has organized an event called Food Bloggers Against Hunger.
Now is a critical moment because cuts are being proposed to nutrition programs. Families living in poverty are eating because of federal nutrition programs. Households with children report a higher rate of food insecurity than do others. The statistics are grim. Please consider signing this petition through Share Our Strength to tell Congress how important federal nutrition assistance is to families with children.
Part of why I ate school lunch for a year was out of concern about my students and their access to real food. I knew they were hungry. Even though I’m now working in a rural setting, I see poverty. I can’t say for sure some students are living with food insecurity, but I do have some students that I worry about.
Nicole Gulotta of The Giving Table was inspired by the movie A Place at the Table. I have not seen the film, but here’s how you can if you are interested in learning more about hunger in our country and what we need to do to end hunger in the US.