I’m guessing that many of you already know about the blog: Weelicious. Actually, I know you know about it because I remember back in the early days of this blog some of you referred me to her.
Well, Catherine has come out with a book that I absolutely love (Full disclosure: While I was sent a copy to review and to keep, opinions are my own). I own too many cookbooks, but most of them just sit on the shelf. This cookbook is just lovely — and usable. The photos really sparkle and they make me want to keep opening the cookbook over and over.
Actually, I couldn’t find the cookbook for a few days and I was a little frantic. Turns out it was pushed aside and under a large stack of mail and magazines (yeah, that’s my house for ya). I was so relieved when I saw it and opened it up to the recipe for Baked Chicken Taquitos. Hello, easy anyone? …and gluten free.
I found almost all of recipes to be full of real food ingredients that help me keep it simple in the kitchen. I actually was surprised how many of her recipes don’t contain wheat or dairy. And the ones that do are easily modified. With kids’ diets these days revolving around wheat and dairy as well as processed food at every meal, it was refreshing to see recipes that are quickly made and gobbled up by hungry kids. Here are some other recipes from the book: 5 recipes from the new weelicious cookbook. Or how about Chocolate Velvet Beet Cupcakes? That’s right, colorful cupcakes without the fake stuff.
Catherine’s mission is to get kids to eat healthy foods while making it fun for them and easy for mom or dad to prepare something appealing. Her kids are adventurous eaters and they figure prominently in the cookbook. I like how she talks about feeding them. I felt a profound shift when I became a mom — I started to care about kids and food. It seems like she went through a similar thing, but she has the cooking education to really follow through with terrific food.
If you are are in the market for a cookbook about feeding children right, either for yourself or a friend, I would highly suggest you purchase this book. It’s a welcome addition to my cookbook collection.

My opinion on food started to change too when I had my daughter. I became much more aware of what we ate and made huge changes to our diet. I really want to check out this cookbook.