In Illinois strawberries are in season in June. I remember last year when I took my son strawberry picking on July 1st. It was the last day of the farm’s season. Strawberries have come and gone, but at least I have pictures. They were tasty and they did not go to waste. Strawberries do not keep for long so we have found that we have to eat them up within the first couple days. I made strawberry pancakes one day, but we just ate them as snacks or in fruit salad.
Green onions
I can always find a use for onions. They are a staple for us.
I find this kind of kale to have a bitter aftertaste when I eat it raw. It starts out delicious, but then something else creeps in and all of a sudden I’m grimacing. Same thing happened when my mom tried it. I’m always bashing this poor green.
Our CSA is Tomato Mountain. This week we received: Strawberries, Green onions, Vitamin Green, Rainbow chard, Lettuce, and Red Russian Kale.

A tip for making your strawberries last longer. As soon as you get them, fill your sink with cold water and a cup of distilled vinegar. Soak the berries for about 10 minutes. No need to rinse, just leave them out to dry for a bit on a paper towl. Makes the berries last infinitely longer and they don’t taste like vinegar. I’ve done this twice now and while the berries get a little soft still by the end of the week, they don’t get moldy. I do this with all my fruit at once as soon as I get home from the store, then divide them back up into tupperware to make it easier on packing lunch and to snack on.