We celebrate Easter ’round here. It’s not something my (lapsed-Catholic) husband and (non-religious) I even paid attention to until we became parents. But the whole concept of the Easter bunny is too much fun for our son to miss out on. We don’t celebrate in a traditional sense: I guess you could say that it’s complicated.
Anyway, we welcome the coming of spring. If you live around here, you know that we experienced some summer in March: about 10 days of 80 degree weather. That was trippy to say the least. I’ve been on spring break this week and I’ve had lots of extra time to enjoy my son, but the weather has been a shockingly normal ~40 degrees. It’s a bit hard for me to go back and find my winter coat — that little reminder of summer spoiled me. Luckily, I can tell my son to wear a jacket and he’s more than happy to oblige, especially when it looks like a firefighter’s jacket.
Holidays involving food are a bit tricky for us since Charlie and I gluten free and cow dairy free (now for 15 months!). I’m also not going to deprive my son of Easter candy — I just find the good stuff. In his Easter basket this year he’s going to find: Surf Sweets jelly beans, Annie’s organic fruit snacks (bunny shaped!), and Yummy Earth lollipops. I also picked up a little kiddie spade and shovel so he can dig in the garden with me. I’m going to tell him that the Easter bunny wants him to plant some carrots like we did last year. He’s going to love it!
We’ve been reusing the same Easter basket year after year. It’s a robot one in a felt-like material I got from Target. I’m also reusing the same fake grass and the same plastic eggs, though I did have to buy a couple more fake plastic eggs because we’ve lost a few over the past couple years. They are great for playing in the bath (many have little bitty holes in the bottom, which are fun) and for use as hiding places for special little treasures.
I haven’t decided if we’ll have time to dye real eggs, but if we do, I’m going to follow Spoonfed’s directions or those from SimpleBites. Have a nice holiday (if you celebrate)!
Natural egg dyes, simplified (Spoonfed blog)
How to Dye Easter the Natural Way (Simple Bites via Stetted)
Green Your Easter (Green Living Ideas)

We have the SAME robot felt baskets 🙂 I bought them last year for my boys (in different colors, but the same robot) and my little guy wears it like a drum major’s hat. Hilarious! I need to get back to Trader Joe’s for some of the “good” candy. Have a nice holiDAY 🙂