Do you want to have lunch with me? On Saturday November 12th I will be at Academy for Global Citizenship (AGC) here in Chicago to eat and talk about my book. Click here for the official invite with all the details. First, we will tour this amazing school and see how they integrate sustainability into the curriculum. We’ll all sit down and eat an organic school lunch at one of the first schools to earn the prestigious Gold with Distinction rating under the HealthierUS School Challenge (scroll down for Saturday’s menu!). Then I’ll talk about my year eating school lunch — and I’ll take your questions. At the end I’ll even sign some books.
This is the only book event I have on the calendar right now — so here’s your chance to meet me in person! Blog readers will remember that I visited the Academy for Global Citizenship in the spring to eat school lunch and blog about it. I just love being at this school and it’s all because of the dedication and passion of its founder Sarah Elizabeth Ippel. We collaborated to create an event that’s in line with the purpose of the book: making a difference. All ticket proceeds benefit the Academy for Global Citizenship.
I can’t wait to see you there!
(Official invitation from AGC)