I like that you can tell the breakfast was carried in a sack: all the little pancakes fell to one side!
I’m not really feeling this breakfast. Aside from the milk there isn’t a lot of protein. The pancakes are adorable, but I don’t think they are packing a nutritional punch. I don’t think they are whole grain. Add in the syrup and we’re talking a lot of sugar. Does this strike you as being largely empty calories?
Now that it’s the summer, I find myself wondering what my students are eating for breakfast now. I’m a little worried.

This doesn’t look like much of a breakfast and doesn’t look filling either. Too much sugar between the pancake syrup and the fruit cup syrup.
I worry too about all the children ad what they will eat this summer, if they eat.
so, what do you get when you cross a galaxy with a toad?
Wart wars
On a serious note.. I have followed this blog since the beginning… never commented though. I make my daughters lunch daily since Kinder.. It’s hard feeding an autistic child 😀 That being said.. can’t you just cut and paste the blog from here onto your old blog? It would keep alot of followers 😀
This breakfast is very carb heavy, nearly all of it refined. I hope lunch was early because this breakfast doesn’t have good staying power.
The CBS show, 60 Minutes, aired a piece about child poverty on Sun. and the issue of child homelessness in particular. The story touched briefly on the free school lunch program. They reported that the child poverty rate in the U.S. is approaching 25% (family of 4 with annual income under $22,000). That statistic is beyond heartbreaking to me. I pray that there’s a program in your community to feed your students over the summer, Mrs. Q.
Printed story is here: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/06/26/60minutes/main20072626.shtml?tag=contentMain;cbsCarousel
Video is here:
Mrs. Q, are you planning to volunteer with Connecting Threads again this summer? (Apologies for asking this again. I try to read all comments but missed your reply if you posted one.) I really enjoyed your posts about that experience last summer.
This year w/ the Presidents Re-authorization Act all schools participating in the National School Lunch Program were required to send out summer feeding info. It contained info on location and how to qualify. The President and First Lady have put a lot of new plans in place to ensure no child goes hungry.
What happened to my RSS feed? I’m now getting one sentence with a link? If this is the way the blog is going, I’m afraid I’m done with it. I want to read it in my google reader. If I can’t, it makes it much harder for me to read on mobile devices and in airports etc. Please, please, please keep the full RSS feed!
You just need to take her new url and add it to your google reader subscriptions. I’d click on the top of this blog so you get the basic url: https://fedupwithlunch.com and then copy and past that into your google reader “add subscription”
I’m still trying to figure all of this out. I’m finding this transition challenging too. Last night I asked my designer what instructions to give you guys. I really don’t know what I’m doing! Please be patient. The design is a work in progress as well.
but the true question about whether or not your students are eating what they’re given — or learning about making wise choices for breakfast food
@KN You can resubscribe and get the current feed. There’s a link to the right of this post (under the “Connect with”).
This “breakfast” looks almost like junk food to me, too much refined sugar, even the fruit. How is anyone supposed to be full on that? I guess it’s better than nothing though 🙂
Do you know if your town will be offering breakfasts or lunches anywhere for lower income kids? That happens some places.
I get a stomach ache just looking at this picture. I can’t eat junk food for breakfast or I’m miserable the rest of the day!
Hello, Mrs. Q! Since your original RSS feed was coming through Google Feedproxy, shouldn’t it be possible to update that to carry the new content?
Definitely not the worst thing they could eat though….pancakes are fine once in awhile.
I agree on the empty calories – breakfast to me needs to have a lot more to it than a few mini pancakes and milk. I would be starving if I ate this for a weekday lunch (weekends, eh they’re going to be bigger, you’re going to eat them when you want and follow lunch when you want).
At least throw in fresh fruit and not a fruit cup.
We serve BIC at our school out of neccessity(lunch room won’t hold 400 kids). They have 20 minutes to get their sack and get to class and this is the only way we can do it. All of our breakfasts come to us prepackaged and precooked,we just through it in the oven and warm it up. We used to cook regular breakfast i.e. oatmeal and toast,scrambled eggs and sausage….until the “Management” company came in.
By the way,the pancakes are presweetened.