Frosted Chocolate Mini-Wheats, juice, string cheese, milk
Chocolate mini-wheats for breakfast? Really?
Parents need to know this kinda thing. That’s why I started the school lunch project last year: I wanted an anonymous public record of the school lunches in my school. Through this blog I was able to give people a view of school lunch only I was privy to. By eating the lunches myself, well, that took it to a new level gastronomically speaking.
Many parents wouldn’t care if their kids got chocolate frosted cereal in the morning. All I’m saying is that they should know. The menu gets sent home, but I don’t think most parents give it more than a passing glance.
Guess who else is eating school breakfast in the morning? Lots of teachers. In fact, lunch ladies offer me breakfast all the time. I politely decline, but they can be pushy! Many of my friends take the cold breakfast (cereals like Crispix and Cheerios). Other teachers take the hot breakfasts. I can’t help but wonder if many teachers end up eating two breakfasts, one at home and one at school. I have seen one administrator in particular grabbing a hot breakfast every day. The person is really overweight and I can’t help but wonder silently if they need those extra calories. I know it’s bad to think that, but I can’t help it. [Edited to add: The intent of the program is to feed hungry children so that they can perform better in school. Hunger complaints have decreased. The program is not there to feed adults breakfast who forgot to eat one at home.]
Honestly, if I hadn’t discovered my food allergies since quitting eating school lunch, I might be more interested in eating the occasional bowl of cereal. At home I have to grab food to go (peanut butter slathered on something) and eating at school would be convenient. However, I also have to question the milk. It’s not labeled as rBGH free and that is a concern. According to the Organic Consumers Association, rBGH is genetically engineered Bovine Growth Hormone injected into lactating cows so that they produce more milk. I’d rather avoid that if possible.

I've yet to comment on your breakfast posts, but it sure brings back memories. Breakfast in school was one of my most favorite things! My mother didn't have time to get me breakfast before bringing me to the sitter's house in the morning and usually that didn't involve breakfast, so school breakfast was pretty important for me (had it not existed, I might not have gotten it). Anyway, from what I can see not a whole lot has changed in the way of what gets served since I was in school, but some of the breakfast sandwiches you've shown are kind of…questionable.
ANYWAY, I was curious to know, does your school offer flavored milk during breakfast as well? I haven't seen it, but when I student taught a few years ago I actually saw some kids putting chocolate or strawberry milk in their cereal…which completely grossed me out, not to mention the pound of sugar that made up that whole dish.
I also think that your assumption about teachers eating breakfast is a little unfair. I know it's hard to look at a larger person that's eating and not think to yourself, "should they be eating that?" but you don't know what their morning routine or their daily life consists of. Adults are TERRIBLE about getting breakfast in! And I'm sorry, but a piece of bread with peanut butter would not hold me over 'til lunch time (I actually cook a breakfast every morning). I highly doubt these people are eating two breakfasts, they're probably rushed in the morning and when the kids eat, it's the only time they get to eat as well, so they take advantage. If I was teaching, I would probably take advantage as well, that doesn't mean I don't need the calories.
Hello. I'd like to start by saying that I really appreciate what you are doing with school lunches. I wonder what is the problem with rGBH. Ok, I get that anything GMO is "teh evil" (ps, your link is broken) but aside from that what is the actual concern? There is some evidence that cows that are treated with rGBH have higher incidence of mastitis but so do cows that have been bred to produce higher amounts of milk. rGBH allows cows to produce more milk, which makes them more efficient (ie environmentally friendly) and there isn't any reliable evidence of human health concerns. I wonder what would happen if there were grass fed cows treated with rGBH… mind blown!
I agree with Amber and am also a long time reader/first time commenter… why do you assume that since people having hot breakfast they are having two? And furthermore, why do you assume that the one person mentioned is overweight because they have breakfast at school?
I can't eat for 90-120 mins after I get up so I always eat breakfast at my desk on work days. Maybe this person or persons are the same way.
I love your blog and usually agree with you, but this is very unfair and judgmental of you.
Amy and Amber – I know it's bad of me to say that about that coworker. This particular person also eats a lot of McDonald's. I'm happy that this person is getting a breakfast, but I really believe that the person is overeating because the person doesn't like themselves very much. I know thoughts like mine aren't helping that person. I just was being honest.
Flavored milk is not offered at breakfast. I don't know why, but I like it! 🙂
I've been reading this blog for a while now and sharing your insights and thoughts with friends/family. We have all been impressed with your efforts to bring light to the problems facing lunches/dining in schools.
That said, I'm disheartened by your judgement of your overweight coworker. Regardless of the reason she she is overweight (emotional eating, biological disorder/disease), it's mean-spirited of you to assume you know the cause and base judgement on it.
I personally am going through treatment for an immune disorder my doctors describe as "a life-ruiner." I have gained a considerable amount of weight as a result of both the disorder and the emotional toll it's taken on me.
I'm sure my coworkers pass judgement on me if they see me eat more than what they deem appropriate for a woman of my size. They and you wouldn't dare, I'm sure, to judge a woman walking around with a scarf covering her bald head. Most would immediately see the woman as a person being treated for or suffering from a disease…though it could just as easily be caused by emotional issues or poor diet.
Frankly, I'm embarrassed for you after making these comments. I truly thought better of you after reading months of your blog entries.
I have nothing against cereal for breakfast, but I do believe that some cereals are better than others. I think mini wheats are generally healthy, if you avoid the frosted ones or the chocolate ones. I don't think any child needs chocolate cereal before school. Maybe as an after school snack, because the fun of watching your white milk turn to chocolate milk is a treat that every child should experience.
I'm glad my son gets to eat lunch at school everyday, but our school is one that cooks from scratch, etc. We are poor, and he does get the free lunch option, but I learned, a little too late, is that sometimes he is still hungry, and since I didn't put extra money in his account, because I didn't think of it, he gets to stay hungry. This actually broke my heart a little, knowing he was hungry, asked about it, and was turned down, but I have rejection issues. That being said, I sent money with him on his favorite breakfast day, biscuits and gravy, and he didn't have seconds, but they took his money, so I was upset about that. I am going to talk to them about if I put money in his account for those extra hungry days. He's a lean, see his ribs kid, so I hate for him to be hungry.
What happened to "we're all at different places on our food journey"? It is not any of your business what another adult chooses to eat no matter what their weight is. The fact that you write a food blog surely doesn't give it to you.
I have to defend Mrs. Q on the overweight comment – let's be honest, a lot of people are overweight these days due to poor eating habits. I live in the South and see it every day. I myself have struggled with weight. Yes, not everyone who is overweight is so because of overeating, but I would venture to say a large percentage are. And I, too, have thought in my head "That person really shouldn't eat fast food" especially if I know that person has complained about not being able to lose weight in the past. The other day I happened to see a VERY overweight coworker go into a Chinese buffet restaurant and thought "I wonder what they're cholesterol is like" – not because I was judgmental about their looks, but I was worried about their health (as I'm sure Mrs. Q was, too, when she made her comment).
I am also a long time reader of this blog. I think the comment about your co-worker was in extremely poor taste no matter how often they eat fast food. As well as an earlier commenter, I also have an immune disorder from which I have gained a considerable amount of weight. I would hate to think that people who seem nice are actually thinking things like that when I eat or drink at my desk. No matter why this person over eats, I think they deserve a little more understanding and sensitivity than you have demonstrated.
When I see an overweight adult taking a breakfast that was designed to be eaten by a hungry child, I can't help but have that thought.
I have added something to the post (it's in bold).
I cringed when I heard you say that because it is pretty judgmental and I knew you'd get feedback. I know you know that some people gain weight due to medical conditions (did you know a lot drugs–I think post leukemia–cause a huge amount of weight gain?) so I'm not sure why you would slip that in there…
Anyway, I was also thinking about what you said that some parents don't care if their kids get chocolate cereal. But I think it comes back to that old belief that if the school is feeding it to my child then it must be okay. Those assumptions run deep.
Like your blog. 🙂
I fail to see what being overweight has to do with taking a breakfast designed for a hungry child. If she weren't overweight, that would be okay? Under or perfect weight adults can abuse the system all they want?
You could have said: "When I see an adult who taking a breakfast designed for a hungry child, I have to wonder if it was because they were too lazy to make their own at home." Judgmental? Yes…but mean-spirited and offensive…not really.
Mrs.Q- I applaud you for being real.. For admitting that your have flawed thinking and being bold enough to say it even if it might offend and is not *PC*. I have a hard time believing no one else thinks these kinds of things about others. I worked at a Pizza chain during HS/College.. We offered a buffet lunch… You have better believe when certain individuals walked through the door we prepped and tossed more pizzas into the oven. We were not under the disillusion that they became that size due to the salad bar…
That said *I* am a larger person. I have always struggled with my weight. I am intelligent and educated enough to know that *I* am responsible for my choices and need to make better ones. When my husband received a poor Med diagnoses and was ready to make the change for himself it was so much easier for me to do so.. not making all the changes alone. As of this week I am down 44lbs since December 2010. All because of changes in how much and what we eat. Yesterday I received a call from my Dr that recent blood work came back flagged for Low Thyroid.. I go in next week to talk about that. I read that LT can be blame for weight gain and struggle with loss. Interesting… Either way had I been making better choices all these years.. no matter what *diagnosis* I had… I was still making poor choices.. and even when I was at my highest weight.. making mental judgments about those around me.. who were larger.. or having more medical issues due to their weight etc.. Was it polite or appropriate of me.. Of course not.. but it was human..
I rarely comment here, but I wanted to defend the chocolate mini wheats for a second. We recently visited with a RD whose diet advice was not to worry about calories or fat, but to look at protein and fiber combined. Anything that had a total of 5 or more grams protein was fine. Chocolate mini wheats have 9g total, regular unfrosted has 12. And we are looking at an overall difference of about 20 calories per serving. I realize that there are other factors to consider, but the protein and fiber will stick with those little tummies and to quote the mini himself, "keep them full and keep them focused."
Meh. Everyone needs to lighten up. It's not offensive or mean-spirited. It was an observation followed by thoughts of concern/worry. Move on.
I actually am more surprised by the statement that the program is meant to feed hungry children, not adults who forgot to eat breakfast at home.
Couldn't one argue that the school lunch is there for the same reason and teachers shouldn't be eating that just because they forgot/didn't have time/didn't want to prepare a lunch?
As a teacher, I've grabbed oatmeal from the cafeteria in the mornings MANY times.
I should add that I paid $3 for each school lunch, but these breakfasts the teachers are grabbing are free.
Great work on the school lunches! But I just would like to say there's nothing wrong when you critic an overweight person, sometimes they need to be reminded about that. I think Mrs. Q is just concern about his health.
It is not fair for you to pass judgement on what someone else eats just because they are overweight. Your attitude lately between this and the survey results of the day care meals is really starting to pretentious and offensive. Quite frankly, this blog is becoming difficult to read.
You are only contributing to the idea that people that eat a certain way also act a certain way. You have stopped the awareness and started policing. You aren't better than someone just because you eat a different way.
"It is not any of your business what another adult chooses to eat no matter what their weight is."
It becomes other peoples business when it shortens their life, leaves children parentless, causes them to take medicine that would be unnecessary if they lost weight, strains our healthcare system, or, in this case, causes extra strain on a system set up to provide food to the hungry.
One great thing about your blog is your unwavering honesty. Stay true to who you are and how you feel. I can appreciate how brave you are for putting your thoughts out there. I'm sure you are not the only one who has ever had that thought. You are human as am I.
I do feel that all teachers should refrain from eating the cold breakfast options since these can be saved and used another morning. Hot breakfasts options should be open to all teachers, not because it's hot, but simply because I assume they throw out the leftovers. I hate throwing away food. I see it as money. But only after the children have been fed.
As an FYI…I have struggled with my weight for a good part of my life, especially after having my two children. Yes, I could eat better and eat smaller portions. I do try to eat good food and cook with good ingredients, but I tend to overeat. I am also an emotional eater with an addictive personality. This being said, I try to avoid many addictive activities as possible, but food unfortunately, I can't avoid. Oh well, I'm human and always a work in progress.
Mrs. Q, I have always enjoyed your blog. You share a lot with us ad you are human. Please stay true to who you are. Keep up the great work. And remember, this too shall pass.
You said the lunch ladies are offering the teachers the free breakfasts. The teachers (regardless of size) aren't taking them. Have you seen a hungry child be denied breakfast because a teacher took the last box of cereal? If so, then I would have a problem with that. if that hasn't happened, then where is the issue?
Perhaps the breakfast items are going to be thrown out at a certain point so the lunch ladies give them to the teachers instead? Or, maybe they just don't want to bring it back and put it all away?
Mrs. Q said…
I should add that I paid $3 for each school lunch, but these breakfasts the teachers are grabbing are free.
Is Mrs. Q totally disconnected from the reality that most teachers make at least 14% less than other professionals with the same education levels? Maybe *free* breakfast at school is the most affordable option for this person. And the comments about how often this school admin eats McDonalds (with the air of "tsk tsk" judgment)are patently ridiculous — would Mrs. Q like it if people anonymously blogged about every unhealthy thing she ever ate? I didn't think so.
I’m thinking about the bullying that starts at such a young age — picking on the fat kid in the playground. So often, we assume those attitudes start at home. As it turns out, children also pick up social cues from the adults around them. Including teachers like Mrs. Q
And so what if it is someone’s second breakfast? Since when did Fed Up With Lunch evolve into the Policing Adults About Their Food Choices project?
Thanks for being honest.
Before my vegan days I worked at a deli counter in a large supermarket chain. Fried chicken was one of the top sellers, which was prepared by dipping in rehydrated powdered butter, covered in white refined flour, and fried. When people would come in and buy an 8-16 piece set for themselves, judgmental thoughts ALWAYS were in my head. People don't think about the food they are eating. Period. Yes, definitely there are conditions that make weight gain more likely, but I think obesity comes from extra calories most of the time.
I think it's really hard to pass up free food. It's something I struggle with at work all the time. But I think that lack of self control is a big part of the obesity problem. So I appreciate the comment Mrs. Q made about her (anonymous) coworker.
My three year-old son asked for chocolate at breakfast today and you know what I said? No. Sometimes we do have a chocolate chip scone or cookie (or even cupcake) for breakfast but it's an occasional treat not an everyday thing.
Am I evil that I read this and thought, "Chocolate Mini-Wheats? Can I haz some?"
(I'm a cereal snacker. Keeps me off the chips.)
Mrs. Q, I'm curious, since I don't think our local grocery sells them…is the sugar content in the chocolate ones higher than the regular ones? (They are all frosted, I guess, I'm just curious if chocolate is any worse than the non-chocolate frosted ones…)
I know that you are more focused on what is in the meal, and whether parents are aware of what their kids are being offered to eat at school, but your comment that the teachers taking the breakfast are not paying for it is, for me, the real concern here. It means that either your school's student nutrition department is absorbing the cost of feeding the teachers (which would be fine, assuming your school district is flush with money and can afford to feed adults for free) or (and this is a real possibility) the meals are being counted as student meals and the school district is applying for government reimbursement for the meals (which would be illegal.) You might want to inquire into which is happening.
Mrs. Q:
It's comments like yours that have helped me get to where I am, and not in a good way.
I am on a lifestyle change to basically save my life. I have lost almost 50 pounds already, but have much more to go. I don't eat clean every meal of every day, but I get close. Do I "cheat" every once in a great while and have something unhealthy? Absolutely! Deprivation is not the answer, and if I want a cheeseburger once every 2 months or so, you better believe I will have it.
It's comments like yours that make it extremely difficult for me to eat anything in public and has actually landed me in therapy. If I am eating out and hear someone laugh near me, I assume they are laughing at me. This is my problem and I am dealing with it. But Mrs. Q, you need to understand that your judgements DO have consequences, unintended or not.
You have talked about how much waste is at your school. Could it be possible that the meal the "teacher who really doesn't need it" grabs would have been trashed? I would like to know that before I make any sort of judgement on teachers grabbing a breakfast.
I have read your blog since the beginning but this is my first time to comment. I am ignoring your comment about the overweight faculty member, but i wanted to share my experience with the school breakfast program.
I have recently graduated, at my school we also recived free breakfast. They served "breakfast" just like you are showing in the morning before class started. After 1st hour we would have a "nutrition break" both of which were free. In order to keep the funding and recieve it for free it had to be eaten, there was only good/money to be gained from teachers, students and faculty eating not only once but twice. I my self participated in both oppertunities to eat. I would eat the breakfast in the morning and then at nutrition break i would grab a package of cereal or juice or milk (no never chocolate, I dont like sweets) to snack on until lunch.
When you said that the lunch ladies were offering the breakfast to the faculty that was what came to my mind was funding and needing as many people to eat as possible. At my school we were always asked to please go get something even if it was just a juice.
Just a thought, maybe you could go talk to the cafateria ladies and see if this is the case in your school too?
*** I don't want to get into the topic of overweight people eating alot and being judged because of it, but I would like to say that i am naturally slender (I have curves but am not over weight and i dont have to watch what I eat in order to maintain my weight), but i have gotten the looks of "you are over eating" from friends strangers and even family memebers. yes we should all strive to eat healthier but I feel that passing judgement on someone is a step back.
Enjoy reading your blog,
Wow, there are a whole lot of typos in that comment, and I contradicted myself. Sorry. I was typing in a hurry. 🙂
I myself frequently eat Chocolate Mini Wheats, mostly because they taste awesome and I like that they have a lot of fiber. It's mostly a weekend treat–I stick to Fiber One Honey Clusters, Kashi Go Lean, and FiberPlus Yogurt Berry Crunch during the week. I just compared the nutrition info to the original, non-chocolate mini-wheats. Yes, there is one more gram of fat (and yes, it is saturated)…however, the calories are the same, the sugar is the same (12g–high, yes, but not out of the realm of other kids' cereals), and the chocolate ones have NO HFCS, while the originals do. So, I'd say it's a toss-up. And I'd much rather have my kid eating chocolate mini-wheats instead of Lucky Charms or Cocoa Puffs or something with considerably less bulk. Just sayin'.
"'It is not any of your business what another adult chooses to eat no matter what their weight is.'
It becomes other peoples business when it shortens their life, leaves children parentless, causes them to take medicine that would be unnecessary if they lost weight, strains our healthcare system, or, in this case, causes extra strain on a system set up to provide food to the hungry."
Wrong. Let's look at some of your choices that make you at risk for expensive health care. Do you regularly go outside without sunscreen? Ride a motorcycle? Particularly enjoy raw fish or meat? Everyone makes choices that put them at risk. While I obviously believe nutrition, obesity, and illness is a huge issue, the solution is not for people to get to mind what others eat. That's not how the Constitution works.
And I am also a long-time reader who was moved to comment when you wrote that about your co-worker. It's not about not being PC or caring that someone ate a free breakfast meant for a child. (You didn't lead with that argument and brought up McDonald's. Your intent was clear.) My offense was to a very judgmental comment made in what seemed formerly to be a non-judgmental forum.
For some reason that I can't quite pin down, it's the sugary coloured flavoured water that passes for juice in this breakfast that bothers me the most. I think it might be because these juices are pure sugar and lethal! At least the mini-wheats have fibre and come with milk?
Your intent is to one day reveal yourself to the public, no? I think these are the type of comments that will push people away from the goal you are trying to achieve.
How do you think that administrator will react once he/she reads that comment? So far, your blog has been a fresh take on journalism that we usually don't get to see – get in there and see for yourself what is going on. However, gossiping about what a person eats for breakfast or how many times they go to McDonald's takes away from that.
It's your blog and you can say what you want to say, but I was very taken back when I read that comment. I like the controversy that your blog brings about real issues – Should ketchup count as a fruit/vegetable? Should cookies count as a grain? Where does food come from? Does strawberry/chocolate milk count as milk? However, the overweight teacher comment who takes a free meal that was designed for kids doesn't live up to that same type of "real issue" for me.
I was disappointed in that comment.
So wait… overweight people don't get hungry, too?
Overweight people don't forget to eat breakfast or run out of time for breakfast in the mornings, too?
Overweight people can't possibly just prefer the taste/quality of the school's breakfast over whatever they have at home, too?
Does the school run out of meals because some teachers might want to enjoy what they're serving, too?
I'm sorry, I think this whole post was inexcusable.
Is the comment on the overweight administrator judgemental? Yes. Mrs. Q admitted that she knows it is bad to think those thoughts, and seeing it print makes it more harsh, but let's be real, people judge. It is human nature. We all do it. We may not be so public about it, but we do it. I have a strict no chocolate breakfast rule. Chocolate for breakfast just seems wrong, but if you compare the labels of similar foods, the sugar content in the chocolate version is usually about the same. I have a hard time getting two of my three children to eat breakfast at all, but they are allowed to bring in a healthy morning snack, so I don't worry about it too much.
Wow – Mrs. Q, people really are reading a lot into your observation about the staff members who take breakfast. Honestly, I think would have had the same thought if I saw an adult (capable of preparing and choosing their own breakfast) taking the children's free breakfast.
This blog would be boring if it were just a list of foods served at the school. Your observations and opinions make it more personal and interesting.
Ate you sure you want to lose your anonymity?!?!
I doubt that teachers are eating two breakfasts just because the food is there–they're probably skipping breakfast at home because they know it'll be available at school, the same way I don't eat breakfast when I know I'm going to an early-morning meeting where food will be served.
And yes, it's probably wrong to make judgments about what other people are eating, whether it's because of their weight, the food itself, or both. But it's also an automatic response that most people have, regardless of their own weight or eating habits–overweight people are *notorious* for judging what thinner people do or don't eat, or making comments like "eat a sandwich already!" I don't think it makes Mrs. Q a bad person to have those thoughts or to admit having them; if she had gone up to the administrator and lectured him/her, that would have been rude and a totally different story, but she didn't.
"photo mat board said…
Great work on the school lunches! But I just would like to say there's nothing wrong when you critic an overweight person, sometimes they need to be reminded about that. I think Mrs. Q is just concern about his health."
I would argue that overweight individuals are abundantly aware of their size. No reminders needed, thanks.
Are teachers prevented from taking breakfasts? Are students missing out on breakfast because a teacher took a meal?
If the teacher is allowed to grab a quick breakfast, I don't see where it is a problem. And size has nothing to do with it. I know very unhealthy skinny people, and fat people who compete in marathons.
You admit to being on a journey yourself, so why should everyone else be 100% perfect all the time?
I have really enjoyed your blog, but you are getting a little holier-than-thou.
I can get behind what you are saying if your point is they are taking a breakfast meant for a kid, but that wasn't what you said at first, your first thought was this overweight co-worker should not be eating the calories in a school breakfast. And really, if the lunch ladies are pushing it and no kid is going without what is the big deal about employees grabbing a breakfast? I used to really like this blog but it has gotten rather preachy lately
PUH lease people, Give Mrs. Q a break. Many overweight people are fat because they eat more calories than they need. No question about that. We don't have to treat the subject with kidgloves. Mrs. Q was honest and obviuosly she stated herslef she felt BAD for thinking the thoughts that she did. She shared her private thought with us (followeres of Mrs. Q) – the same thoughts she's shared with us for many months now, and you turn on her and bash her like she is the devil! She's really done nothing wrong here. There is a REAL issue that kid can be "double" eating breakfast, which isn't healthy and Mrs. Q is merely bringing up the fact that this same phenomenon could apply to adults as well. Sheesh! Lighten up people.
Mrs. Q – I support you!
I'm going to change the subject completely:
Do the kids ever play the games on the placemats?
The difference between fat people and skinny people is that the whole world can see what an overweight person's "biggest" foible is. You have to dig to find out what a skinny person's personal weaknesses are. That's the difference that's so painful for an overweight person.
A fat person will be prejudged by virtually everyone they encounter. Every day. Every encounter. Not so for a skinny person. You can't look at a skinny person and immediately tell that he/she is on his/her umpteenth marriage, cheats on his/her taxes, habitually speeds or tailgates or runs red lights, never wears a seatbelt, watches too much TV, smokes, doesn't pay his/her bills, skips routine medical screenings such as mammograms or prostate exams, or votes Republican or Democrat or whatever political ilk most irks you. An overweight person can have any of those weaknesses, too, but their weight will always trump all else in most people's minds.
Judgmental ideas and attitudes are learned during childhood and ultimately stem from adult influences with parents and teachers exerting the greatest influence. Mrs. Q, I have every confidence that, although you freely shared those judgmental thoughts here, you never express them in the presence of your son or your students and that you would explain to any child that openly judges overweight people the way you did here why it's wrong to do so.
I also meant to say that Dana Woldow made an excellent point. If your school's food service folks are counting staff breakfasts as reimbursable student meals, that would be worrisome to say the least.
I agree with the other comment above…once you reveal who you are, it probably won't take much for that particular person you singled out in your post to put 2 and 2 together and realize it. For someone who has been so worried about what your co-workers will think when they find out the truth, that might not have been the best thing to write. Everyone can think whatever they want about others – our thoughts are private when they're still inside our heads. But once they're put in print, that's another story.
Kim – Overweight people are in my family. Even people who are skinny have food issues (I have a family member who was anorexic). I'm blogging about this tomorrow to try to clarify. I didn't just this person the first few times they did this, but after the 40th time? Yeah, I have to scratch my head.
Anonymous at 10:31 — Revealing myself does complicate things.