I never blogged about it but I was interviewed on Gayle King’s Radio Show on January 28th. Why didn’t I tell you I was going to be interviewed ahead of time so that you could have tuned in? Well, I was super excited and nervous and jittery and I didn’t want “jinx” it by blabbing about it. I didn’t even tell anyone in my family until 30 minutes before I went on because at that moment it looked pretty certain I was going to be on air. Yep, my own mother got a text 30 minutes before saying something like if you happen to be near a computer, I’m going to be interviewed by Gayle King(!), go to www.thegaylekingshow.com and you can stream it. So no one in my family heard me live. And neither did you guys…
Also I signed a release saying I wouldn’t blog about being on the show. Well, after thinking about this for a long time, I think they didn’t mean that I should avoid promoting my appearance. Can I also say I had a blast? I hope so because it really was fun and it was amazing to talk to Gayle on the phone!
You can listen to the interview by clicking below to get to the website:
Gayle King: Interviews – “Fed Up With School Lunch” (5 minutes long from January 28)
Luckily my family was able to listen to the interview (via above link). My mom told me “You did a great job, but you said ‘you know,’ too many times.” Yeah, I was super nervous. I hesitated a lot — I’m not terribly polished. I also avoided some questions like a politician! I think you’ll understand why…

Nice job!! It's interesting that she asked you what you'd like to see PARENTS do–not schools, policymakers, etc.
Hi Mrs Q!
I was wondering if you had heard about Kellogg's "Share Your Breakfast". I saw an ad for it while I was puttering around the internet this morning. Any thoughts?
Excellent job, Mrs. Q!!!!!
Fantastic!! Great interview. Will spread the word!
Thanks! It was nerve-wracking to say the least!
Fantastic job! You were so cool, calm and clear 🙂
I heard you!! I was like yes Mrs. Q is on Gayle. Great interview.