Thanks so much for your patience — I just realized that Robyn O’Brien’s guest blog post went up a month ago. Where did the time go? Without further delay, here are the three winners of copies of her book…
1) Robyn O’Brien’s book The Unhealthy Truth:
There were 47 comments on the blog post and I let the computer work its magic. The winners are:
Comment # 4 – Katherine
Comment # 33 – Paula
Comment # 40 – Kate at Sacred Bee
2) Review post – ChopChop Magazine:
There were 83 comments on the blog post and again the computer helped….
Comment # 14 – Le Reveuse
Please email me if you won!! 🙂
I continue to be humbled by you, my readers. I love reading your comments. Thank you for taking the time out of your busy day to stop by. You touch me. You teach me. You make me smile.
(I still can’t believe you like seeing/reading about my lunches. To me they are boring. I have to say it really does make me feel exposed as food is personal. You see my life through our lunches.)
So I’m going to do a giveaway of something I recently purchased because I’m enjoying this whole blogging thing way too much and I’m grateful you are hanging around to read it. How about a Thermos Foogo Leak-Proof Stainless Steel Food Jar??
I bought it and it is gorgeous, but before I took it out of its packaging, I realized that I didn’t really need it. I think you will enjoy it. To enter, simply comment on this post. No need to say anything fancy!

Well, I'd sure like to try it out in the spirit of simplifying your life… 😉
I would love to give this to my grandson so he can take some of Gramma's soup to school. He would not only warm up his body but also his soul
I would love to be able to pack soup for lunch! A good thermos costs a bit of money that gets put on the backburner time and time again.
Congratulations to the winners of the book and magazine.
Thanks for the interesting blog posts every day. I love reading them.
Thank you for the opportunity to win a thermos.
Thanks for the giveaway! This looks perfect to take my soup and pasta with me, or to send with the kids for a good, filling lunch!
[email protected]
I would love to win the thermos. I'm a big fan of soup for lunch and oatmeal for breakfast! 🙂
I could totally use that for bringing soup to work! Woo Hoo!!
Here's to packing lunch!!
I get a little high out of packing my lunch…is that weird? Yes, yes it is. But I would love to add soup to one of my options by winning that thermos! 🙂
Not sure if you have drown already, but I'd love to get my name in. Thanks for all you do Mrs. Q., and I do absolutely love your lunch posts – so inspiring!
Hi! I really enjoy reading all your posts and am a fan of the lunch posts. I've gotten several ideas for my own lunches from them, and tried the Kind bars that you pack. I'm so happy to find a gluten free bar that doesn't taste like dates!
As a mom of four, and a kindergarten teacher of 15, I understand the lunch issue from both sides. One of my children is selective about what he eats in his home packed lunches; he does not want to get picked on by his classmates. How does this happen? I love reading your blog and getting ideas for lunches for myself and my children. Thanks!
My oldest would love to use a thermos like that for lunch. She complains that the one I bought leaks 🙁 I just can't find anything nice around here.
I'd love a little thermos like that for work and for days out :). Very cute.
Love your blog!
Even though I don't have any kids, I enjoy reading your blog. Thanks for all your hard work Mrs. Q
Thank you for continuing to post Mrs. Q! Love to sneak on and read as an after (packed) lunch treat at work. Shhhh… ; )
And the thermos would be great for my oldest to take her beloved homemade "square soup" for lunch at school. (That's chicken soup with square noodles!)
Love it (and all things packable)…pick me!
Love your blog and will continue to read it.
Just leaving a comment for the Give-a-way. Still like reading your blog and seeing food pictures, I was worried that would go away when you stopped eating school lunch. It is really nice to see how you put together meals for your son and yourself.
I want the food container! 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! 🙂
I recently found your blog and have been reading religiously since. Would love to win the Foogo as I've been eyeing one for some time.
Ooooh, great giveaway! Love the blog! 🙂
What a nice giveaway! Thanks for thinking of us!
Love your blog. Would also love the thermos…come on, random generator!! 🙂
a bunch of kids at my school use that thermos, it looks great!! i'd love the thermos, and i'm sure my little baby would love it too, once she is old enough to eat foods in it 🙂
thanks for this giveaway!
Hello! Love your blog –
Betsy in NH
Nothing fancy to say here.
love your blog
ooo, i'd love that thermos!
and yes, i find your lunch posts really interesting. they inspire me to make good lunches for myself!
We are grateful that you are willing to post about your lunches, and other matters of great interest to teachers, parents, and students!
This blog has been really fascinating to me, because I never experienced school cafeteria food! My school district didn't even have cafeterias in pre-highschool schools. Kids either brought lunch or went home, and we had a whole hour for lunch. I didn't realize what a luxury that was until I started reading your blog.
I've been following your blog for quite a while now and enjoy your post and push for healthy meals for kids. My son (17) has preferred to pack a homemade lunch since grade school. He also starts his day with a hearty breakfast, not just cold cereal and milk! I pack my lunch almost every day. Usually leftovers from a prior dinner. It's amazing how much money I save!
Cool Thermos!
Mmmm, chili!
It is quite a cool thermos – with that being said I do want to thank you for really opening up my eyes on what my children can be eating. Since reading this blog we have had many conversations about their lunches and "Choice of fruit!" has now become a catch phrase in my household 🙂
While sandwiches are good, my daughter gets tired of them. She loves soup though. With her allergies, school lunch is out of the question for her.