Last weekend TEDxManhattan – Changing the way we eat happened. I could have followed along online, but I didn’t. Frankly, I don’t remember exactly what was going on here at home, but probably us being buried under the usual mounds of laundry and stacks of dirty dishes.
The conference looked awesome though and you can read all about the impact of the “good food” movement in this article from Time Magazine Foodies Can Eclipse (and Save) the Green Movement. Also the line-up of speakers from the event is listed on Civil Eats: Devouring Good Ideas at TEDxManhattan
Other tidbits:
- This week HuffPost had an interesting article and slideshow: America’s Best School Lunches
- In Chicago there’s a great school I just learned about Academy for Global Citizenship (AGC). Here’s a recent write up about their school lunches: Green, Healthy School Lunch — For Real
- I saw this and it made me chuckle and then nod: Asthma risk ‘linked to burgers’ (BBC) — Not sure if it’s “burgers” specifically, but instead processed foods. You know, after six months of consuming school lunch, I was diagnosed with mild asthma. Bizarro.

r u going to be posting lunch wrap up??
Saturday night!
I wish the write up about the meal program at the Academy for Global Citizenship had included some mention of the extra cost of running such a program. Apparently it is quite costly, and the school includes this information on their website:
"The Academy for Global Citizenship's organic breakfast and lunch program requires additional funding and is only made possible through generous private support. Click here to learn more funding opportunities."
Too bad all of our school children don't benefit from the "generous private funding" that would be required to provide a meal program like this in every public school!