The publisher of Free for All: Fixing School Food in America contacted me right after I posted about starting up the book club and offered to giveaway five copies to readers of the blog! How cool.
Like I posted last week, we’re going to spend most of January acquiring the book (through the library, bookstore, online, or the giveaway) and starting to read it. Moving into February, I’ll start posting discussion questions, to keep us going. Word of warning: this is not light reading. Janet Poppendieck must have researched and written for years to compile and organize the information for the book. The only time I find to read is at night, before bed. I’m going to put a highlighter on the bedside table so I can keep track of all of her quotes, statistics, and other information.
If you want to enter the giveaway and read along, please comment below by Friday January 7th! I’ll choose winners using random number generator.

Oh I would love to win this! It's difficult to order books through my library because when I go I have lots of kids with me and the process takes some time(have to do it through a real, live librarian who has to fill out forms.)
I'd love to read the book!
I'm going to grab this through an interlibrary loan, but I'd love to have my own copy!
I would love a copy, thank you!!! As a parent, I want to be aware of issues that affect all of our children so greatly and really appreciate your blog! It inspires me to do more, and to improve our nutrition at home too! Thank you!
I'd love to read this book, thanks!
I'd love to read this…Then pass it on to our cafeteria manager at my school.
I would love to have a copy of this book. We are starting a school co-op next year and healthy whole foods is at the top of my list.
[email protected]
I want to read this book and hope to win it!
I so want to read this! Pick me! Pick me! 🙂
A book club is a great idea, especially around school lunches where stats and more information are effective tools for change!
I'd love a copy.
I'm interested in reading it.
Ok, random number generator, do your work! 🙂
thanks for a great blog, Mrs. Q – I've enjoyed reading it right along. Sad that the eating part of the project is done, but cool to see that you're still going with the blog.
Gimme! Gimme! *lol*
PICK ME!!!! 🙂
I would LOVE a copy–I put my name on the hold list at the library after you posted your blog, and I am worried I won't have a copy in time!!
I would love to participate!
susieq1707 AT yahoo dot com
ohh, sign me up! This is great news. Don't you find it interesting that they are watching you?
Or did Jane tell them?
I checked this book out last year and only made it a chapter in before life got in the way and I never finished it. I'm looking forward to reading it and being able to discuss it (my husband doesn't always appreciate my getting passionate about a book on an issue he doesn't really care about)
– also I love that you write new year's resolutions like IEP goals. I can tell that "observable and measurable" part has been drilled into your brain 🙂
– For the first time I thought about goals in a slightly more IEP goal manner too. Just wanting to be more or less ends up falling by the wayside for me. So here are mine: Make homemade bread once a month, make homemade pasta at least 5 times, make it to yoga at least twice a week.
I wanna play! No way are the libraries in middle Georgia going to have this book.
I'm very interested in reading this book too. My kids go to a school that provides incredible lunches. A few years ago a group of parents overhauled the lunch program and the kids can buy fresh lunches every day. They have nothing prepackaged. Fresh fruits and vegetables galore. It does cost more, but well worth it. Not having gone to school since the 80's, I had no idea that most kids were served prepacked garbage in school.
I would love a copy!
Ooh! I just found your blog and hope to go back and read. I am a high school teacher, and just took my students through Food, Inc, we were all very surprised by what we learned.
This sounds like a really interesting book – reading your blog is what got me interested in food health in the first place!
This is great! So glad to have found another book club. I've spent a fair time in public schools in NYC and was very surprised by how much the process of school lunches has changed from when I was a child (give or take 15 years).
Can't wait to read it!
So I have been following your blog as a second year teacher I feel your pain. Hope I am the lucky number 🙂
I'd like the book!
I'm so excited for this book club idea!!!
Count me in! It looks like a great read.
Sounds like a great book, I would like a copy!
Sounds awesome! Count me in.
I have it on hold at my local library, but not sure I'll get it in time 🙂
Pick me! 🙂
I have been lurking around your blog for a while. I am looking forward to the book and discussion. Thanks for sharing your life with us! (Haven't commented before so not sure I did it correctly. Are there directions somewhere as to what type of comment as to pick?)
People say i am crazy because I really am a stickler for food and my kids bodies. I would love to own this book if not only to find the stats and shove them in few peoples faces lol j/k..kind of lol
holy crumbs of thought!! hah, people love free giveaways! don't include me in the drawing; just popped in to say i love the blog.
Great idea! Here are two other books to consider for future book clubs:
1. The UnHealthy Truth by Robyn O'Brien (totally changed the way I approach food, opened my eyes to many things I was unaware of, easy read, one of my favs, recommend this book to pretty much everyone I talk to
2. Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma and Allergies by Kenneth Bock, M.D. (I have not started this book yet as it is on order from Barnes & Noble, but I read excerpts from it and I was hooked! My son suffers from allergies and asthma so I am always trying to educate myself in order to keep him safe and to better advocate for his needs. It looks very interesting.)
I'd like one of these. Toss my name in the hat!
id lpve to read it. my brother and many of my nieces and newphews eat the school lunches
Happy New Years!
Just Better Together
Please add me to the list! 🙂
looking forward to more blogs!
I'd love to read this! Just found your blog last week, and couldn't stop reading it, great job!
[email protected]
My local library does not have it. I am so bummed. I do not have the funds to go buy it either. I hope I can win a copy.
Please enter me in the drawing!
I'm overwhelmed by how many people are interested in reading along and getting a copy of the book! Wow!
Looks like a great book. Would love to participate in the book discussion
I've checked this book out twice and haven't been able to devote enough time to really read it – hopefully the book club will give me the motivation!
Would love to participate. A few moms and I are beginning a food revolution in our school district and need all of the support we can get!
I would love a copy of this book!
bravo on all the work you've done so far, i would love to check out this book even if i don't win!
I'd love a copy! I'm working on improving the food at a local Boy Scout Camp, and I'm betting there is tons of useful information in this book that would help us out. Thanks!