Organic School Project provides the foundation for sustainable lifestyles, connecting youth with the earth and enabling them to make positive choices for themselves and the planet. OSP combats health epidemics such as childhood obesity, early on-set type II diabetes and behavioral problems, through an integrated Grow. Teach. Feed.™ Model for schools.
Teach: We provide curriculum and teach kids and families about nutrition, cooking, and caring for the planet, depending on the partner school’s needs. Our lessons get kids and adults interacting with nutrition through cooking and learning about healthy foods and where they come from.
Feed: We encourage the consumption of More Positive Foods as after-school snacks and ingredients in cooking lessons. More Positive Foods are wholesome, less processed, over 70% organic, and sourced locally when seasonally available—as often as possible, directly from the school’s own garden!

Dear ANONYMOUS Guest Blogger: Organic School Project –
I notice that the list of schools you're currently working with (shown on your Web site) includes some racial and socioeconomic statistics for each school. Why is this information included? Please help me understand why it's shown. Educate me.
You state that your program "…..combats health epidemics such as childhood obesity, early on-set type II diabetes and behavioral problems…." Don't you think that ALL school kids deserve to be taught about better nutrition, organic and sustainable growing practices, and so on, not just kids who are overweight, have Type 2 diabetes, or have behavioral problems?
I admit that I've been playing devil's advocate here. I very strongly believe that good nutrition is the right of every child in this world, not just certain ethnic groups or certain economic classes or those with certain health problems. I'm sure that your programs include all kids in the schools you serve. The problem I have with the way your post and your Web site (from which your post seems to be copied) is that it can lead some people to believe the problem exists for only certain groups of kids. As we all recognize, this is simply not the case.
Please know that you are in good company. I have a huge (no pun intended) problem with the concept of Mrs. Obama's fight against childhood obesity. All kids need better nutrition no matter their weight. How many parents think to themselves, "My kids are skinny so why do I care about the First Lady's campaign against childhood obesity?" In the meantime, they're sending Lunchables to school for their kids' lunch or letting their kids buy who knows what for lunch at school.
Putting the devil's advocate approach aside, what are "More Positive Foods" as you call them? I tried to find the definition on your Web site but was unsuccessful. Maybe I missed it.