I have finally mailed off the titanium spork to Jamie Oliver! I hope he is as excited to accept it as I was to send it off to him! So that means I’m ready for our next nomination for a titanium spork award for May.
Please nominate in the comments. I’m looking to give a titanium spork to people who are doing great things to help kids eat better at school, people who care about school food, and/or anyone helping advance the cause of school food reform. I’ll close nominations on Friday.

I love the titanium spork award!
My brother gave one to his wife when they were dating. Best present ever. I'm sure Jamie Oliver will be excited to receive it.
Chef Ann Cooper The Renagade Lunch Lady
Ed Bruske The Slow Cook
I was rooting for Chef Ann Cooper. So, I hope she makes it back on the list. 🙂
Meme Roth would be great, too.
You should check out the Taste Buds program started by Rick Delashmitt of Belleville Farmer's Market. It won a Pepsi Refresh $25,000 grant a couple of months ago. In full disclosure, Rick is a personal friend of mine, but he is doing wonderful things for the kids in this community. You can see an article here (http://bit.ly/aI7ckN). His website is http://www.farmers4good.com. In Jamie Oliver's last weekly video, he talked briefly about the Taste Buds program.
Brave New Lunch should be on the list!
What a great blog, and a fab idea-I couldn't agree more with you! Will you be posting what Jamie Oliver thinks about his spork??! On a (slightly) related note, my blog is about Spanish cooking- I'm cooking all the dishes from the cookbook '1080 Recipes' in one year, if you'd like to have a look at it, and have time! Best wishes x
I'm renominating Biggie from Lunch in a Box!
Chrissi, Cyber School Mom
Bill Shore, founder of Share our Strength–an organization seeking to end childhood hunger in America. SOS has programs like The Great American Bake Sale and Great American Dine Out to help raise money to feed hungry families. It's a great organization, in my opinion, and is supported by magazines like Family Circle and TV stations like Food Network. I think Bill should definitely get a Spork for trying to feed our nation's hungriest kids.
Rachel Ray and Michelle Obama
I would like to nominate the Veggiecation Program for all it is doing to get children to eat and love their veggies (Its creator was a guest blogger on here several weeks ago)
She brought this program to my school and I can't believe the way the girls have responded! In all of my years in school lunch I have never seen children so excited about the vegetables we are serving! Its so cool!
Alice Waters, founder of the edible schoolyard at MLK Jr. Middle School in Berkley, CA.
I run a school program "Whats in Your Lunchbox? here in Australia, Melbourne and I only wish many more schools taught Nutrition and how to balance an everday healthy lifestyle as part of the compulsory curriculum.
Keep up the great work you are doing. Kind Regards from downunder.
Fiona Squires
I nominate Mrs. Ferguson, who teaches a nutrition class at our local high school. This is a big deal because there are only about 300 kids in the entire school – to have a class like that in such a small, rural school is fantastic!! My daughter has turned into a "label reader" and her enrollment in that class has made a difference in our home as well. Thank you Mrs. Ferguson, and all other educators out there!!!!
Ali from brave new lunch.
I nominate Healthy Tara, who's blog "School Lunch: Subtract the Additives" is about one student's quest for ingredient transparency from Aramark. Kind of like David and Goliath.
Chef Ann Cooper gets my vote. She's done more for school lunch reform than anyone I know, and she was doing it long before it was popular.
I second Alice Waters. Her Edible Schoolyard is the most beautiful vegetable garden I have ever seen!
I would like to nominate the Food Service Director at New Haven Pulbic schools,Timothy Ciptiano.
Mendy Heaps! I was floored to read her story here. Her fruit cart is an inspired idea and her crusade needs to continue. Her principal, fellow teachers and the administrators should be applauding her efforts and looking at how to implement changes in the district. It is a sad commentary when a teacher is disciplined for teaching kids the right things and working to make changes that will improve their lives now and forever.