I received a very nice email from a “lunch lady” desiring to write a guest post. However, she wants to conduct a “Q & A” with the readers. What a great idea!
Here’s your chance to ask a real “lunch lady” anything related to school lunches. Please post your question(s) in the comments section below. I’ll gather up all the questions on Friday and send them to the her. The Q & A will appear next week.
In a continued effort to “hide” myself and manage content, I’m going to be posting school lunches only four out of five weekdays some weeks. So today there will be no daily school lunch post. I still eat school lunch every day it’s offered to the kids, but this way I have a little more control over when I post what.

Why is it so hard for schools to go to healthier alternantives, when some are the same price as the bad ones? and how come schools serve pizza and fries everyday? it's disgusting.
Is it ok to call persons such as yourself who prepare lunches at schools a "lunch lady"? If not, what would you prefer to be called? On Jamie Oliver's show the lunch ladies were very offended by this name and he didn't mean it disrespectfully, neither do I.
What can parents and concerned people do to help you or to make your job easier?
OK I thought I was done, but wasn't! 🙂
Someone else mentioned kids' food allergies. When I was in elementary school (about 25 years ago!) there was a "default" peanut butter sandwich available for kids who forgot their lunches and had no lunch money. Does your school have something similar, and is it allergy-sensitive? I'm thinking about the peanut and wheat/gluten allergies that would prevent some kids from taking that 1980s option today!
I know I'm a little late to the game, but could you lay out, in a nutshell, the hoops you must jump through as part of the federal School Breakfast and Lunch Programs? I know that may be a tall order, but for the average outside layperson, it is difficult to wade through the dense material. Many people don't realize that there are rules at all. Would you be willing to take questions via email too? Thank you!
How do you accommodate children with food allergies? Peanut allergies are very prevalent, but what about wheat and gluten? Wheat is in everything as a cheap preservative and so I'm wondering if that is something that "lunch ladies" take into consideration.
How do you accommodate children with food allergies? Peanut allergies are very prevalent, but what about wheat and gluten? Wheat is in everything as a cheap preservative and so I'm wondering if that is something that "lunch ladies" take into consideration.